The Railway Smash

The sensation of the week in Lancaster and district was the collision on the railway at Hest Bank on Monday night. Happily the alarming rumours which at first found currency proved to be greatly exaggerated, but all the facts go to show that a very serious catastrophe, the magnitude of which can hardly be estimated, was only averted by the presence of mind and promptitude of Chalmers, the driver of the express train, and his fireman, Chambers. The collision itself was the outcome of one of those mysterious and unforeseen accidents which sometimes do occur on the railway. Possibly the division of the goods train running in front of the express was due to a defective coupling, or some other cause, but it,'is certain  that once the latter part of the goods train had become detached no power on earth could have prevented a collision. The driver of the express, perceiving the danger, did what he could, nobly assisted by his fireman. By reducing the speed of the train and spraying sand on the rails they considerably minimised the force of the collision and thereby probably saved several lives. Fortunately the night was clear, which enabled the driver to obtain a good view of the line some distance ahead, but too much praise can hardly be bestowed upon him for the courage and nerve he displayed under circumstances exceptionally trying and dangerous.

The Railway Smash.. - Lancaster Guardian 27th July 1912

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