Accidents !

In the early days of Railways, signaling was poor, or non existent, trains were often passed down the line, with a fixed time interval between trains, and, until the telegraph was installed between stations, communication was extremely poor. Many of the safeguards that we would expect to see on a modern Railway, hadn't developed, and with trains running irregularly, and often infrequently, there were many accidents to pedestrians, as they sometimes used the railways as a highway.

Many of the engineering practices, were very primitive, and the materials were not always of the highest quality.

Problems had occurred where an Inspecting Officer from the Board of Trade, had postponed the opening of some lines,  and in 1858  Douglas Calton from the Railway Department of the Board of Trade wrote to the railway companies, advising them of the standards they should work to, when building new railways lines.

Railway Department,
Board of Trade,
Whitehall, S.W.
29th April, 1858


Several cases have recently occurred in which the opening of New Lines of Railway has been postponed because certain of the requirements of the Inspecting Officer had not been completed.

In order to prevent as far as possible the disappointment which such postponement must occasion to the Companies, the Lords of the Committee of the Privy Council for Trade have considered it desirable to forward the accompanying statement which sets forth some of these requirements, a deficiency in which has generally caused the opening of new lines of Railway to be postponed.

I am, Sir, Your Obedient Servant,
(Sgd) Douglas Calton

The Secretaries to 79 Railway Companies

At the Stations

Platforms to be not less than 6 feet wide, and when raised, the descent at the ends should be by means of ramps, and not by steps.

Clocks to be provided in a position where they are visible from the line.
Signals and distant signals in each direction to be erected.

The lever handles of switches and signals to be placed in the most convenient position, and to be brought as close together as possible, so as to be under the hand of the person working them. The switches to be provided with double connecting rods.

No Facing Points, except on single lines or at double junctions. In the case of Facing Points at junctions, it is most desirable that the signals should be connected with the points so as to be worked in conjunction with them, and to indicate whether they are open or shut.

Sidings, if falling towards the line, or on a level, to be provided with locked chock blocks, or locked points, leading into a blind siding.

Turntables for engines to be erected at terminal stations.

As Regards the Line Generally

No standing work above the level of the carriage steps to be nearer to the rail than 3 feet 6 inches, where the carriages are not above 7 feet 4 inches in width, outside measurement.

The interval between adjacent lines of rails, and between lines of rails and sidings, must not be less than 6 feet.

When stations occur on, or immediately contiguous to, a viaduct, a parapet wall on each side, 3 feet high, should be built, with a hand railing or a fence on the top sufficient to prevent passengers from falling over the viaduct in the dark.

At all level crossings of turnpike roads or of important public roads, the gates must be so constructed as to be capable of closing across the Railway as well as across the road.

A fixed signal, either attached to the gate or otherwise, to be placed at every level crossing, and when the level crossing is so situated that an approaching train cannot be seen for a sufficient distance, distant signals will be required.

Main signals and distant signals for each line are required, all junctions.

Where the lines are single, an undertaking will be required, to be signed by the Chairman and Secretary of the Company, that the line shall be worked in such a manner that only one engine in steam, or two or more when coupled together and forming part of a train, shall ever be upon the single line, or upon defined portions thereof at one and the same time.

The railway staff were expected to work excessive hours and there were many dangers from unprotected moving parts on locomotives and carriages.

Understandably, there were many accidents. Some accidents were investigated officially by the Board of Trade, and reports made, others were reported in newspapers.

Rather than confine these accident reports to a very small area, in the immediate vicinity of Carnforth station, the accidents mentioned here, all happened on the lines of the three constituent companies, that  had lines into Carnforth.

The area covered is:-

Lancaster to Carlisle.
Ulverston to Lancaster
Carnforth to Wennington
(Lancaster and Carlisle Railway)
(Ulverstone and Lancaster Railway)
(Furness and Midland Railway)

It is impossible to list every accident, and so, I have tried to list the more significant, or interesting accidents. The accidents with the grey background are not yet researched.
If I've missed any accidents out (which I'm bound to do) or have details incorrect, I would appreciate an e-mail with as many details as possible.


8 th November 1846 Collision between two locomotives, after joyride (The Times)
11 th December 1846 The locomotive and tender of  a trial trip from Carlisle to Lancaster, are derailed near Penrith. (The Times)
11 th October 1847 Collision close to Milnthorpe station (The Times)
15 th (8 th ?)
November 1851
Labourer run over by train, near Southwaite (The Times)
28th October 1855 Derailment at Carnforth. (BoT report)
12 th March 1857 Breaksman slips and falls under train. Tebay 
12 th October 1857 Penrith Luggage fire
11th October 1859 Banking engine runs into back of passenger train.
27 th December 1859 Collision between passenger and ballast trains, near Penrith
17th October 1860 An Express Train on Fire
3rd September 1862Suicide at Eamont  Viaduct (Westmorland Gazette)
17th March  1863Accident to fireman on train to Kendal (Westmorland Gazette)
9th May 1863A Platelayer killed on the line near Clifton (Westmorland Gazette)
1st June 1863Fatality at Penrith Railway Station (Westmorland Gazette)
3rd June 1863Fatal accident to a man crossing the line near Milnthorpe.  (Westmorland Gazette)
15 th January 1864   Foreman platelayer hit by train, near Ulverston.
27 th January 1864   Wreay, Broken axle causes derailment and collision.
15th August 1866 Collision at Carnforth.  (BoT report)(The Times)
8 th August 1867 Passenger killed at Penrith (Lancaster Guardian)
16 th October 1867   Derailment and collision of passenger train at Cark.
7th January 1868 Left in the Lurch
13 th July 1868   Collision at Grayrigg.
10 th April 1870 Passenger / postal train derailed as a result of a broken wheel.( BoT report )
1 st June 1870 Passenger killed at Penrith station. (The Times)
21 st Nov 1870   Trespasser killed on the line at Carnforth Station (LNWR)
30 th Dec 1870 5 passengers killed and one railway servant (guard) injured when wheel tyre of a Caledonian van in a LNWR passenger train broke near Burton & Holme causing all carriages in the train to run down the embankment. (The Times)
24 th July 1871   Mail train runs over bale of carpet at Plumpton
21 st  Nov 1871 A Boy run over at Carnforth - Westmorland Gazette
9 th Dec 1871   Gatekeeper knocked down and killed by goods train at Oxenholme
21 st Dec 1871   Passenger killed at station (LNWR)
9 th February 1872 Passenger train runs into the back of a goods train, between Penrith and Shap. (The Times)
19 th Feb 1872 Oxenholme - 3 passengers and driver hurt when passenger train ran into goods train shunting on main line. (BoT report)
20 th September 1872   Derailment at Oxenholme
27 th November 1872 Shap Summit, derailed wagon run into by passenger train. (BoT report )
6 th December 1872   Plumpton. Loco boiler pierced by broken connecting rod.
5 th February 1873 Slight collision north of Carnforth Station.(Parliamentary Papers)
20 th February 1873 Side rod on engine breaks, near Burton and Holme.(Parliamentary Papers)
6 th March 1873   Plumpton, trespasser killed walking along line.
7 th May 1873   Ulverston, passenger falls between wagons and killed.
23 rd Nov 1873 Passenger attempting to board FR train while in motion slipped and fell under carriage and had left foot run over. So badly crushed that foot had to be amputated, from which he later died. - pdf file
8 th December 1873 Extraordinary mystery on the railway near Kendal 
3 rd January 1874 Shap, collision between passenger and goods trains. - pdf file A / B
27th January 1875Fatal Railway Accident near Burneside - Westmorland Gazette 
12th May 1875Girl knocked down at Yealand, near Carnforth.
9 th Aug 1875   FR Wraysholme Fireman killed falling off engine.
24 th December 1875 A Woman killed on the railway .   (Westmorland Gazette)
28 th December 1875 Break down near Clifton. . (Westmorland Gazette)
28 th January 1876 Loups Fell, Shap. Banking loco collides with passenger train.
19 th July 1876   Ulverston, platelayer killed on line.
3rd December 1877 Collision with coke train.
13 th May 1880 Collision at Arnside  between goods and passenger trains.. Board of Trade report.
11th August 1880   High speed derailment at Wennington.
11 th Sept 1880 Killed at Oxenholme Station -Westmorland Gazette
4 th June 1881   Collision with animal, at Wreay.
10th November 1881 Derailment at Carnforth (Furness line) . (BoT report)
3rd   December 1881 Fatal Accident near Low Gill Station (Westmorland Gazette)
27 th November 1883 Collision at Milnthorpe
2 nd April 1890 Shocking accident on the railway near Milnthorpe - (Westmorland Gazette)
6 th April 1890 Oxenholme, Fire on goods train
28 th October 1891 Railway accident  near Kendal (Westmorland Gazette)  
16th November 1891 Derailment near Kendal   (Westmorland Gazette)
20 th April 1892 Tebay, Fire after collision of two goods trains.  - pdf file
24th June 1893Station Master run over at Arnside Station (Westmorland Gazette)
4th November 1899Collision at Haverthwaite (Westmorland Gazette)
11 th October 1895 Collision at Penrith
27 th February 1903 Train blown off rails by gale. (Leven Viaduct)
5 th December 1903 Express train crashes into wreckage of an earlier accident just north of Penrith station.
5th February  1907 Express train runs into goods van
7th September 1907   Collision between Passenger train and a light engine, Carnforth station.
13th February 1911Broken coupling - runaway train through Milnthorpe Station. (Westmorland Gazette)
22nd  July 1912 Hest Bank Collision (Lancaster Guardian)
28th July 1912 Express Engine breaks down at Lancaster (Lancaster Guardian) 
Winter 1916/17   Derailment near to Arnside station, due to frozen points.
14th October 1920 Derailment at Oxenhome
1924? Collision between passenger and goods train, during Morecambe Carnival
2nd August 1927 Collision between freight train and empty carriages at Lancaster Station
5th August 1927   James Johnston, foreman Carnforth Station, was killed about 3--20 pm Monday  after attending to the down Royal Scot"
11th August 1927 Passenger train from Whitehaven bumps into Empty Stock Train
10th July 1929 LMS Main line blocked when 9 wagons derailed at Carnforth
28th February 1935Man hit by train 28th February 1945 
xx December 1936 7.30 p.m. train from Crewe to Carlisle derailed by Landslide near Tebay
18 th May 1947 Docker Garths, collision between an express train, and a pilot engine.
20 th September 1960 Derailment near Grange. 10-00pm Barrow-Carnforth goods train
divided at Cark
20th April 1963 Light engine runs into back of passenger train
June 1963 Down goods ran away from Ulverston where it was shunting. Derailed
at trap points west of Plumpton
20th May 1965 Derailment at Hest Bank Railway Station,   (MoT report)
"70 MPH MIRACLE OF HEST BANK" Lancashire Evening Post 20 May 1965
Photographs of the Hest Bank derailment, courtesy of the CRA
19 th October 1967   Lambrigg Crossing
10 th September 1971   Catchpoints set the wrong way, derails 11-45 express passenger and motorail Stirling - Sutton Coldfield train between Oxenholme and Lambrigg.
28 th October 1971 Collision at Oxenholme
15 th January 1973   Southwaite
9 th November 1975   Hincaster
18 th April 1980 Derailment with the experimental Advanced Passenger Train (APT) to the north of Carnforth.
30th Jan 1988 Carnforth BR. DMU in collision with engineers wagons.
13 th December 1993   Derailment in F+M yard
1 st March 1997 Derailment at Crag Bank ( Lancaster Citizen )
17 th December 1997 Overhead cables brought down by passing train
1st March 2008 Containers blown off freight train at Hardendale

I also know of at least one locomotive running through the buffers, near Crag Bank (to the South of Carnforth Railway Station)

Grateful thanks to Peter Robinson (Cumbrian Railway Association),
NRM York, and HMSO for their assistance with some of these accident reports.
