(28th October 1891)

On Wednesday morning a serious accident happened on the railway at Hincaster A luggage train a was going southwards when a quantity of wool fell from the train and threw it off the line. The permanent way was torn up for a considerable distance and the front part of the train was thrown down the embankment. A relief gang, consisting of about 300 men, was soon on the scene, traffic being entirely suspended The metals had to be re-laid and for a long time the traffic was seriously was seriously delayed, it being worked on one line on Wednesday. In the afternoon, however the permanent way was repaired and ordinary traffic resumed. The greatest inconvenience was caused by the accident and many passenger trains among them being those conveying mails from the south, were seriously delayed, several being close behind each other waiting for the clearing of the line. The driver and stoker of the goods train had a narrow escape, but fortunately no one was injured.

Railway accident  near Kendal - Westmorland Gazette Sat 31 Oct 1891

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