Station dates to boost refurbishment

THE dedicated Friends of Carnforth Station group have organised a number of events designed to keep up the fight to refurbish the historic station.

Here is the successful groups list of forthcoming events:

o On Tuesday Richard Spoors, project manager for Railtrack will give an authoritative and thought provoking talk on the Southall Rail accident. The meeting will be held at Lancaster Conservative Club.

o The following Tuesday is video night at Carnforth Cocked Hat Club, Haws Hill (opposite library). Rare railway videos and personal commentaries, hot pot supper etc. Details from Roy Hacking 01524 734551

o And on April Fools Day the club hold their April Spring Clean to mark the actual start of Carnforth station rejuvenation restoration renovation revitalisation project! This is the start of changing the derelict station into a centre of excellence for rail travel including the brief encounter restaurant, heritage centre, shops, community and youth facilities. Join us with shovel and brush to start work. Details from Michael Chorley.   **** Please see note
o Watch this space for information on even more club events.

Please Note.
The contact information does change from time to time,
For a current contact list, please click here. - Carnforth Station Contact List

Station dates to boost refurbishment,   Lancaster Citizen 10 th March 2000

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