Carnforth station and railways
in the Media

[ 19 th Century ]  - [  1900 - 1922 ] - [ 1923 - 1947 ]  - [ 1948 - 1967 ] - [ 1968 - 1969 ]

1970 - 1979 ] - [ 1980 - 1989 ] - [  1990 - 1995 ] - [  1996 ] - [  1997 ] - [ 1998 ]

January -June 1999 ] - [ July -December 1999 ] - [ 
2000 ] - [ 2001 ] - [ 2002 ] - [ 2003 ]

[ Uknown date / origin ]

19 th Century
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"Railway Intelligence" - Lancaster Guardian 23rd November 1844
Lancaster Guardian Saturday 26th September 1846
Letter to the Editor - Lancaster Guardian Saturday 26th September 1846
Opening of the Lancaster and Carlisle Railway - Lancaster Guardian 26th Sept 1846
Opening of the Lancaster and Carlisle Railway - Full Story - 26th September 1846
Advert for Scott and Benson's Handbook - Lancaster Guardian 26th Sept 1846
The Times 16 th December 1846
The Illustrated London News December 19 th and 26 th 1846
A Madman in a Railway Train - The Times 10th January 1865
Opening of the Furness and Midland Railway, Lancaster Guardian 8 th June 1867
A Boy Run Over at Carnforth - Lancaster Guardian 25th November 1871
Fatal Railway Accident at Carnforth - Lancaster Guardian  26th November 1873
Fatal Railway Accident near Burneside - Westmorland Gazette 6th February 1875
"Barrow Herald" 17 July 1880
Carnforth - Continues to grow - Lancaster Guardian 24th July 1880
Attempt to wreck a train -  7th January 18853rd

20 th Century

1900 - 1922

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Article from "Railway Magazine" February 1904
Woman Thrown out of Train - 13th March 1911

1923 - 1947

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"Night Mail" A Post Office publicity film, released in 1936
�53,000 Modernisation Scheme for Carnforth Station, Daily Mail 28 th September 1937
Modernisation of Carnforth Station, L.M.S.R.Railway Magazine November 1937
Excerpt from "Railway Magazine" January / February 1945
CHANCE FOR FILM FANS, Morecambe Visitor 24 th January 1945
WANTED, People as "Extras" - Morecambe Visitor 24 th January 1945
PETROL DEPOT FIRE, Morecambe Visitor 14 th February 1945
"Night Life" at Carnforth - Morecambe Visitor 21st February  1945.
Brief Encounter, Feature Film. released 1946
Obituary, Well-know Euston Station-Master - Lancaster Gurardian 22nd March 1946

1948 - 1967

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A Bit of old Carnforth in 1870  Lancaster Guardian and Observer,  21st Jan 1949
"70 MPH MIRACLE OF HEST BANK" Lancashire Evening Post May 20th 1965
"The runaway train came down the track..." 4/9/1966 45095 ran away from Carnforth.
"Carnforth station", W.Hardin Osborne remembers. Railway Modeller March 1967


1968 - 1969

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Graveyard of Steam - Lancashire Life circa July 1968
"Black Five" November 1968 (Film / Video)
BR Decision "Final" Lancaster Guardian 28 th February 1969
Carnforth closure confirmed Morecambe Visitor 5 th March 1969

1970 - 1979

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"Rail town facing destruction"   Lancaster Guardian  8th December 1972
Comment by Richard Marsh, Lancaster Guardian 13 th September 1974
Carnforth concern over future of railmen   Westmorland Gazette 27  December 1974
Victims of uncertainty and change.  Westmorland Gazette, 24 th January 1975
Furness and Midland Joint Railway,   "Model Railways". August 1975
Rail town suffers another jobs blow, Morecambe Guardian 18 th May 1976
Carnforth - ten years on. Railway Modeller August 1978

1980 - 1989

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BR To Demolish Station Building Morecambe Visitor  6th November 1985
"Song of Experience"  BBC TV play, 16th February 1986
Supermarket planned to replace derelict station. Morecambe Visitor 26th Feb 1986
Rethink over rail history  Lancaster Guardian   11 th April 1986
Best Station in Preston area. Lancaster Guardian 18 th September 1987
Coach derailed, Morecambe Guardian, 5 th February 1988
Report by Mr Mizuhiko Yamaguchi, Yomiuri Shimbun ,16 th February 1988
Aiming to dine out on a Brief Encounter, Lancashire Evening Post 12 th June 1989

1990 - 1995

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Heritage Plaque Lancaster Guardian 20 th September 1991
Parking concern at town council. Lancaster Guardian 27 th March 1992
A brief encounter with cinema fame, The Visitor March 2 nd 1994
A brief claim to fame in golden oldie unknown origin and  date
Encounter proves a success. Lancaster Guardian 10 th March 1995
Station's lasting encounter, The Visitor, March 15 th 1995
Harking back to 1945 Lancaster Guardian 10 th March 1995
It's enough to make you weep, � DAILY MAIL, 10 th April 1995
Movie crews move in  Lancashire Evening Post 28 th June 1995
Train-spotter Shakespeare's brief encounter with fascism  Mail on Sunday 2nd July1995
Return ticket,  The Times - 2nd August1995
On the right track with chaste love Daily Telegraph - 12th August 1995
Shops plan "could hit station hopes" Lancashire Evening Post 6 th September 1995
Brief and Sinister Encounter, Lancashire Life October 1995
The woman who knows her station.  Glasgow Herald - 9th December 1995
"Richard III",feature film, released 1995


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Great Railway Journeys - Crewe to Carlisle, BBC MCMXCVI
A long encounter Lancashire Evening Post 21 st May 1996
Films plaque to the future. Lancashire Evening Post 4 th June 1996
Site unseen: Carnforth Railway Station, Lancashire. The Independent - 30 August1996
As time goes by, Lancashire Magazine November/December 1996


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Go-ahead for �1m Station Scheme, Lancashire Evening Post 30 th January 1997
Off track! Lancaster Citizen 6 th March 1997
Carnforth gets the station approach, Lancaster Citizen 15 th May 1997
End of the line - attraction runs out of steam!, Lancaster Citizen 12 th June 1997
Modern encounter, Morecambe Guardian 27 th June 1997


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Brief encounter with shifting Sands, The Independent newspaper 17 th January 1998
It's time to salute jam jar battalion, Morecambe Guardian 15 th May 1998
Fallen star. Lancaster Guardian 11 th September 1998
'It looks like the station from Hell' Independent Newspaper 24 th October 1998
Letter by RAY BRAITHWAlTE,    The Independent Newspaper 27 th October 1998
Old station on track for fresh encounter unknown origin and  date
Station's on track  Lancaster Guardian  4 th December 1998
Historic station's trip back in time   Lancaster Guardian  11 th December 1998

January to June 1999

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Clockwatch - The Carnforth Clock, BBC MCMXCIX
Perfect link to the Lakes  Morecambe Visitor  7 th April 1999
TV gives its time to Carnforth  The Visitor 13 th January 1999
Station almost home and dry. (Incomplete)  The Visitor   5 th May  1999
Station in line for facelift cash joy. Lancashire Evening Post 5 th May 1999
"Collectors Lot" Channel Four Television,   broadcast on 7 th May 1999
Junction line to be relaid? "RAIL" magazine, issue 356 (May 5 - May 18th 1999)
Shop Unit advert. Lancaster Guardian 21 st May 1999
Watching Brief for station campaign  Lancashire Evening Post 9 th June 1999
Full steam ahead, Lancaster Citizen 25 th June 1999

July to December 1999

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Vital time for station. Lancaster Guardian 9 th July 1999
'DRUG TAKING' at station Lancaster Guardian 30 th July 1999
Railway romance, Lancashire Life August 1999
Visitor centre now on line : Lancaster Guardian 13 th August 1999
It's full speed ahead now... Lancashire Evening Post, 12 th August 1999
Time is right for more than a just brief encounter  THE VISITOR.18 th August , 1999
Rail Milestone. "The Leader" , 18 th August 1999
Bid to regenerate Carnforth station. Railway Magazine. August 1999 Issue.
Global interest in that very famous station. THE VISITOR 15 th September 1999
A message from Japan. THE VISITOR 22 nd September 1999
Minister backs tourism plans, Lancaster Guardian 1st October 1999
A very close Encounter, Sunday Express 17 th October 1999
Town's US twin, Lancaster Guardian (Carnforth Edition) 29 th October 1999
Time runs out for station steeped in myth, The GUARDIAN  8 th November 1999
Steamed up , The GUARDIAN Wednesday 10 th November 1999
Talks hope in fight to revamp famous station, Lancashire Evening Post, 9 / 11 / 99
MP clocks on to halt station 'vandalism', Lancaster Guardian 26 th November 1999
'BRIEF ENCOUNTER' Railway station to be restored, RAIL 373
Railtrack steps in with cash, Lancaster Guardian Friday 3 rd December 1999
New era dawns at station, The VISITOR Wednesday 8 th December 1999
Close encounter with best of British, Yorkshire Post 18 th December 1999

21 st Century


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Advertisement, Property section of Lancaster Guardian, 14 th January 2000
NRES can often be wide of the mark, RAIL 374  January 2000
Reprieved encounter , � DAILY MAIL January 15 th, 2000
I say, Celia, they've turned back the clock on our Brief Encounter, Daily Mail,  January 15 th, 2000
Do we want a giant trainset or a transport system?, "RAIL"  375
'Stop and Examine' "RAIL" magazine, issue 376 (January 26 - February 8 2000)
California dreaming, Lancaster Guardian, 27 th January 2000
Rail trust rekindles a romance, The Daily Telegraph 31 st January 2000
"Carnforth reprieve" , Railnews February 2000
All change at the station of romance,� Express and Star, Friday 4 th February 2000
Brief Encounter: The Sequel, � DAILY MAIL February 7 th, 2000
A setting starved of love, The Times 12 th February 2000
Carnforth's days of glory The Times - 19 February2000
Brief Encounter station rescued - "Track Record" March 2000
Station dates to boost refurbishment, Lancaster Citizen 10 th March 2000
Sentimental journey, Daily Mail 20th March 2000
No Brief Encounter.... - Westmorland Gazette 24th March 2000
Can you bridge this gap in knowledge? Lancaster Citizen 24 th March 2000
"Thanks to your readers for their help"  unknown local paper circa April 2000
Champagne and a spring clean for station project,Westmorland Gazette, 7th April 2000
Our readers bridge the gap ! - The Citizen 27 th April 2000
A romantic railway vision  Railnews May 2000
Turning back the clock, Candis July 2000
The workers soon to be standing on platform one... Lancaster Guardian 4th Aug 2000
Station youths blasted Morecambe Visitor, circa September 2000
Station set for a revamp,  Morecambe Visitor 27 th September 2000
Full steam ahead!  Lancaster Citizen, 5th October 2000
A brief signature seals station, The Visitor 11 th October 2000
Delight as work starts on station revamp   The Citizen October 12 th 2000
It's full steam ahead! Lancaster Guardian 13th October 2000
Celia's clock ticks on Daily Express 5 th November 2000


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Carnforth's action station The Visitor 21 st February 2001
Bus link to boost station progress. The Citizen 22 February 2001
More good news rolls in for Carnforth station Lancaster Guardian 23 rd February 2001
A Brief Encounter....56 Years On. Saga Magazine March 2001
Goodbye to all that.  NEW STATESMAN, March 26th, 2001
"Station’s new encounter" Lancaster Guardian 8th June 2001
Love story station's romantic revival, The Times - 13 August 2001
Brief re-encounter The Times - 13 August 2001
Love for famous station burns eternal Glasgow Herald - 14 August 2001
Return ticket to old glory,  Barrow Evening Mail, Wednesday August 15 2001
An encounter that was all too brief - Financial Times - 01 September 2001
A day return trip on the Hogwarts' express - Daily Mail - 7th December 2001
Tourism potential of Harry Potter express derailed The Guardian - 28 December2001
Missed train - The Guardian  29 December 2001
Harry Potter and the disappearing train - Daily Mail 31st December2001

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A train by any other name The Guardian - 1 January2002
PEOPLE - International Herald Tribune - 2 January 2002
Carnforth Station's finally back on track, Lancaster Guardian 8th February 2002
Gateway pledges new railway track - Lancashire Evening Post 15th February 2002
The stuff of legends restored to glory at last - Liverpool Post & Echo 18 Feb 2002
Full steam ahead for Carnforth - The Visitor - 20th February 2002
Regeneration takes the station approach - Citizen 21st February 2002
Dawn of a new era - Morecambe Guardian 22nd February 2002
Encountering a Classic Timepiece, Lancaster Guardian 12th July 2002
Famous clock ticks again !   Westmorland Gazette, 12th July 2002
Carnforth clock has a  Brief Encounter 12 July 2002 - First North Western


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Carnforth comes back to life for more legendary brief encounters Railnews Feb 2003
Carnforth Connect celebrates success - Westmorland Gazette circa 1st April 2003
Birthday Celebrations - Carnforth Journal April 2003
Station revamp ticks over nicely - The Citizen July 24, 2003
Carnforth recreates a Brief Encounter - The Visitor  22nd October 2003
Station draws crowd as it turns the clock back to Brief Encounter The Citizen 23/10/2003
On the right track - Lancaster Gurardian 24th October 2003
Is this the end of free Parking? - Carnforth Journal December 2003
Unknown publication and date.

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Time to revamp famous clock - unknown publication and date.
Can you help brighten up station revamp? - Unknown publication and date.
Connecting your transport - unknown publication and date

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