Carnforth closure

Despite the confirmation this week of the closure of Carnforth marshalling yards, making 50 men redundant, Lancaster MP Mr Stanley Henig told The Visitor he was still confident the town could look forward to a prosperous future.

He felt the future rested on the posibi1ities of attracting small industries to Carnforth which would recompense the town for the loss in employment caused by the closures.

"I am quite certain that we will be. able to attract a number of small firms to the area, and I will be meeting the Urban Council to discuss this during the next week," said Mr. Henig.

The redundancies were confirmed to Mr Henig at a meeting on Thursday morning with Mr. A. Armstrong, the assistant general manager of the B.R. Midland Region.

"There does not seem to be any possibility that the decision will be revoked," said Mr., Henig, "but British Rail are trying to find alternative emp1oyment for as many of the redundant men as possible."

Despite these efforts, however, it seemed certain that 50 men would be out of work, Mr Armstrong had told him that proper redundancy arrangements were being made, and Mr. Henig was satisfied that the matter had been fully discussed with the Trade Unions involved.

A B.R. spokesman told The Visitor that the marshalling yard closure had been brought about by the changing pattern of traffic so that company and block train working was on the in crease. In future, traffic would work through to Heysham, Lancaster, Barrow, Workington.

Excerpt from the "Morecambe Visitor" 5th March 1969

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