A familiar sight soon to disappear for good, Carnforth Railway Station stands proud.

A familiar sight soon to disappear for good, Carnforth Railway Station stands proud.

An integral  part of Carnforth's history is to disappear.
The old stone frontage of the train station which was the scene of the famous Celia Johnson and Trevor Howard film, Brief  Encounter, is to be pulled down.
News of the demolition has already brought criticism from a local businessman, Mr. James Whelan.
Mr. Whelan had submitted plans to develop the station building into a 60,000-plus restaurant and garden centre and is appalled at news that the stone frontage is to come down.
"To me the frontage would have been the highlight of my plans and it will be such a shame to see it pulled down," he said.
"As far as architectural merit goes in Carnforth, there is nothing except the station and if that place was done up, it would complement Steamtown and the whole of Carnforth."
British Rail confirmed, on Monday, that the frontage would come down.
"It is being pulled down because it is in such a poor state and because we can't afford to repair it," said a spokesman.
"The site will probably then be tendered and proposals put forward will be considered by the board."

"Morecambe Visitor" 6th November 1985

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