Movie crews move in

New brief encounter with fame for station


CARNFORTH railway station is once again set to feature on the silver screen.

The station, which featured in the classic weepy Brief Encounter 50 years ago, is now set for a star-studded encore.
Film crews have moved in to Steamtown, and taken it over to create a Shakespearean drama in a 1930s setting.
Actor Sir Ian McKellan tackles the title role in Richard III, while Warren Beatty's wife Annette Bening plays Queen Elizabeth.
And renowned actress Maggie Smith brings her magic to the screen in the role of the Duchess of York.

Sir Ian McKellan

Sir Ian McKellan

Dame Maggie Smith

Dame Maggie Smith

The whole ensemble is being directed by Richard Loncraine, who brought gritty dramas such as Mississipi Burning and Brimstone And Treacle to the cinema.
The filming was due to continue today, along with the help of volunteers from Steamtown, who have eagerly offered their services as train drivers.
Pat Marshall, of Steamtown, said: "The film crew have been here about a week erecting sets and painting the rolling stock. They have also brought in lots of Army vehicles and horses for the Army as the film has apparently been set in the 1930s."
She added: "They have brought all sorts of things with them including German shepherd dogs - the place is really buzzing!"
Staff who volunteered to take the parts of extras found they were in for one early morning shock before the cameras started rolling - a short back and sides at 7.30am.
The tourist attraction is closed to the public until this weekend, by which time the staff are hoping it will have stepped back into the modern world.

The famous waiting room scene between Celia Johnson and Trevor Howard

The famous waiting room scene between Celia Johnson and Trevor Howard

Lancashire Evening Post 28 th June 1995

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