WASTING AWAY ... redundant buildings at Carnforth railway station

WASTING AWAY ... redundant buildings at Carnforth railway station

Shops plan "could hit station hopes"


PLANS for two shops in the shadow of Carnforth's railway station could push hopes of improving derelict station buildings into the sidings, residents have claimed.

A detailed application has been submitted to Lancaster Council to build the two shop units on land at Haws Hill, at the edge of the station car park.

The two small shops would take up six of the free parking spaces currently available.

But the town's mayor, Ken Bond, has hit out at the proposals, claiming he would prefer to see the empty and redundant station buildings developed themselves instead of new buildings erected on nearby land.

He said today: "The loss of any parking spaces in Carnforth is something I view with concern. I would have thought that bearing in mind the station buildings have permission to become shops and a fun pub, it would have been better to have seen those developed first.

"Depending on the size of these shop units, it could jeapordize future applications for the station buildings, which would be a better bet."

British Rail Property, which owns the land, says it submitted the speculative plans for the shops after being approached by a Carnforth businessman.

Spokesman Paul Atkins said today: "We were approached with the idea of building' the two shops. The land is not used at the moment, and would require considerable investment before we could do anything with it. The only other thing this land could possibly be used for is an extension to the car park."

The plans for the two new shops are due to be discussed at Carnforth Town Council later this month and will go before Lancaster Council planners next month. Council planning officials say they have not yet made up their mind how to advise councillors at the October planning committee.

Ken Bond - prefers station development

Ken Bond - prefers station

Lancashire Evening Post 6 th September 1995

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