Station saved!

Railtrack steps in with cash

by Emily Flanagan

THE light is at the end of the tunnel for the Carnforth Station project - with a Railtrack package to turn the first part of the scheme into reality.
It's the best Christmas present campaigners could have wished for.
The six-year battle to recapture the stations former glory has scored a victory with a pledge from Railtrack to make up some of the funding shortfall.
Local MP Geraldine Smith. members of Carnforth station and Railway Trust and Friends or Carnforth Station all travelled to Manchester on Tuesday to meet with Railtrack over the station project.
Miss Smith said; "'I think it's very, very good news for the trust and a more constructive attitude from Railtrack.
"Railtrack offered funding to the station which was approximately �150,000. "They also want to spend �400,00 on the platform and other parts of' the station
"There's a timescale Railtrack want to work to starting June next year, "Progress has been made I think it's credit to people at the railway trust. At long last work might begin to get off the ground."
Miss Smith is hoping more Government money may be poured into the station. On Monday she will meet tourism minister Janet Anderson and Department of Environment, Transport and the Regions Minister Hilary Armstrong over the issue. Campaigners for the station welcomed the news this week.


Peter Yates from Carnforth Station and Railway Trust said: "Railtrack have pledged a substantial amount of money and given us a start. "We've. still got a shortfall in funds. We haven't got what we need to do the whole project but we have, got a substantial amount of money. "I think this positive attitude from Railtrack will help us raise the rest. "If it wasn't for the people of Carnforth, Railtrack would have had no option but to demolish the station. All the buildings on the platform are redundant and Railtrack don't need them, But they appreciate Carnforth needs its heritage and it is part of the community." Friends of Carnforth station Chairman (21/9/1999 to 26/9/2002) Michael Chorley shared similar sentiments. He said: "It's brilliant news. Railtrack's contribution has closed the gap and will allow a start to be made but it still leaves some money to be raised and we need donations even more urgently. A spokesperson from Railtrack said: "Railtrack North West has told the Friends of Carnforth Station that it must start its �400,000 station regeneration programme in June 2000 to enable it to meet its works deadlines. "By this time Railtrack looks to the station trust to have developed a funded scope of works to be implemented at the same time. "in addition to the regeneration work, Railtrack has offered the trust �100,000 towards their plans, which have been in the pipeline for six years, A further sum of to �50,000 could be made available if the trusts plans include improved disabled access."

Lancaster Guardian Friday 3rd December 1999

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