MP clocks on to halt station 'vandalism'

LOCAL MP GERALDINE Smith has warned Railtrack demolishing Carnforth Station would be an 'act of vandalism' as she prepares to meet one of the company's directors.
The clock is ticking on the Carnforth Station regeneration project, which has to stump up about �1 million by the time Railtrack begins its regeneration programme early next year


If they don't meet the target, the future of Carnforth Station looks bleak and nearly �1 million already raised for the regeneration will go to waste.
Miss Smith will meet the director of Railtrack in Manchester on November 30, along with members of Carnforth Station and Railway Trust over the project's progress.
She said: "Next summer Railtrack will start regeneration work so if the money is not raised by then, they will demolish the station.
"I believe that would be an act of vandalism.
"These meetings are very very important. It really is a make or break thing."
Miss Smith has also arranged meetings with two government ministers to try and secure government funding for the beleaguered station.
The demise of Carnforth Station received publicity in the Sunday Express and the national Guardian last week, which also mention the work of local people in raising money for its generation.
Miss Smith said: "The trust have been working extremely hard.
"If they can't come up with the money it's going to be a waste which will be a real shame.
"The thing now is we need to see where the shortfall of the money will come from.


"I'm hoping for a constructive attitude from Railtrack and a willingness to make this  happen," she said.
"It will happen if they have a positive approach and put in a little bit of extra funding and if  I can come up with extra funding through my meetings with ministers.
"We have to be successful. It would be completely unacceptable for Carnforth Station to be demolished."

MP clocks on to halt station 'vandalism' Lancaster Guardian 26 th November 1999

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