Town's US twin

CARNFORTH may soon have an American twin town with a twin railway, if plans. by local station enthusiasts are given the green light
The new chairman (21/9/1999 to 26/9/2002) of Friends of Carnforth Station, Michael Chorley recently contacted the Railway and Locomotive Historical Society in the US, who suggested several twin towns for Carnforth.
Fullerton, in Southern California, is one of the railway communities proposed.
Like Carnforth, the setting of Brief Encounter Fullerton station has also been the location for several films and is situated near Disneyland.
Another striking similarity is the decilne suffered by Fullerton station in 1970, until it was re-discovered in 1993 and a commuter rail system was installed.
Mr Chorley from Carnforth said: "Fullerton is about the same sort of size as Carnforth.
"They also have a small organisatlon dedicated to the station like us.
"It would be no trouble at all to arrange the twinning first with the railway organisations, then with the towns."
"Everybody in Carnforth says the station is a disgrace and something should be done about it.
"From today I've said Carnforth station is a disgrace and I'm going to do something about it."
This is not the only evidence that Carnforth station's influence is spreading to all corners of the globe. 
Among the 34 members who joined FOCS since the beginning of October, eight are from America, four from Lebanon and three from France.
Michael Chorley encouraged most of the new members to join after coming into contact with them on his travels as an International Railway Consultant.

Lancaster Guardian (Carnforth Edition) 29 th October 1999

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