Rethink over rail history

PRESSURE from conservationists in Carnforth has forced British Rail to think again about plans to demolish part of the town's historic station.

The property has fallen into disrepair and rather than spend money on renovating it, British Rail had had said it would clear the site and build a super market with car park and booking office.

But outraged townsfolk soon put their names on a petition and wrote to local MPs, voicing their opposition to the demolition plan.

Now British Rail has said it has listened to local support to keep the beautiful building which was the setting for a famous scene in the film "Brief Encounter".

A Spokesman said: "We do try to listen to local feeling and obviously there has been a lot of objection".

Two options for the future of the site are being considered now, subject to planning permission. One is to knock-down part of the station to build a new booking office for rail passengers, retaining the rest of it intact.

'Lot of money'

The second is to preserve the whole place and re store it to its former glory. This latter idea, the spokes man pointed out. would cost a lot of money.

"Once we have the basic outline of what we will do, we may go to local groups and ask for help to pay for a scheme". he said.

In Windermere a similar situation had seen the local action group and council come up with a total of �15,000 and BR had matched that figure pound for pound to fund an agreed plan.

Carnforth Chamber of Trade member, Mrs Pat Woof, who was involved in getting the eventual 3,000 signature petition going, said : "Naturally we are over the moon with this news".

Lancaster Guardian 11th April 1986

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