Can you help brighten up station revamp?

WORK is well under way on transforming the run-down railway station at Carnforth with the first of the project on course to be completed by November.

As part of the �1.5 million programme of renovation at the station made famous as the setting for Brief Encounter, contractors are currently working on convening the buildings which overlook the station car park into a row of retail outlets.

Two of these units will be home to the Carnforth Connect information office, where people can make travel inquiries and get advice on connections. and which will also serve as a control room for two new local bus services which will co-ordinate with train services.

The integrated public transport system. which won �660,500 of government funding, is also expected to be up and running by the time the outlets open in November. Peter Yates, of the Carnforth Station and Railway Trust, explained that once the retail units were finished, work would start on phase 2 to turn the unmanned platform buildings into a themed refreshment area and visitor centre.He is also looking for people who might be able to help paint a bright mural along the Barrow platform wall, high-lighting the attractions that passengers will see as they travel on the Furness line.

If you can help, call Mr. Yates on 732805.

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