The origin of the name

There are a couple of possible origins for the name of Carnforth.

It is possible that the current name originated as "Cairn" as in pile of stones, or "Keer" as in the name of the river, or "Crane", the place where the Cranes nested (Cranes a a river bird), and "Ford" as in a crossing place, or "Forth" as in ahead, away or forward.

Another possibility is that Chreneforde can be translated from the Anglo Saxon, as "The Court by the harbour". This phrase initially doesn't appear to make sense, but, in Anglo Saxon times, the River Keer was navigable by sailing ships, and it is quite posible that the "court" may have been a large open building, and it is likely that Carnforth could have been near to a harbour.

Apparently there was a Danish settlement in the area, and a number of Danish artifacts have been found over the years.

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