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This visualization can be used around people, pets, homes, cars, airplanes, and around anything you want to protect. After doing this a few times, you will not need the candles. You will be able to visualize the ball of white light at any time and any place. If you wish to protect a loved one and you have a photo of them, place it between the candles for the meditation.
You may cast a circle if you like, but it is not necessary. Light white candles for protection. Begin the meditation:
Sit down and get comfortable.Relax.Breathe slow and deep. Let all tension flow into the earth.Feel calm and peaceful.You are completely relaxed.Now visualize a beautiful white light all around you,like a bubble. It shimmers and sparkles. Now make it stronger, and then make it shine brighter. Make it grow until it fills the room you are in. Fill the bubble with love. Know that it will protect you where ever you go.

*You'll need:
Black Candle
White Candle

Find a large mirror, one you can position so that you are able to sit before it. Burn a white and a black candle in front of the mirror and meditate there for awhile, focusing on purifying your energy. Repeat this each night, three nights in a row. Also try burning some cinnamon, frankincense, gardenia, or sandlewood incense. Once you are done each night, don't blow the candles out, snuff them out instead. After the third and final night, bury the wax remaining from the candles.

In this ritual you will be calling on Hecate in Her Crone aspect. It is performed during the Dark of
the Moon. Some people are fearful of working with the Dark Moon and the Crone, but She is the wise
protector who will take your negativity and transform it in her cauldron of change.
Begin by setting up your altar as you normally do for ritual,making sure you have a black candle and
wine or water in your chalice in addition to anything else you use. You will also need a cleansing,
purifying incense and a censer or some kind of container which can be carried around your home.
It is best to set your altar on the floor for this rite, but you may do it however you feel most
comfortable. Cast your circle as you normally do. When you are through, kneel before your altar and
light the black candle.
With your arms held, palms upward, at your sides, call Hecate by saying three times:
"Hecate, beautiful Crone of Night,
I call you here to set things right.
Transform the negative thoughts and pain,
And help my life be whole again."
Close your eyes. When you feel the presence of Hecate and know she is there to help you, open your
eyes. Bow your head to her to show your reverence, then take the chalice, saying:
"Lady of the Dark Moon,
Share with me this wine.
Bring your protection to,
Flood this life of mine.
May the waters of your eternal womb,
Bring change most divine."
Sip a small amount of the wine (or water), envisioning it as liquid energy, flowing to effect a positive
change within and outside of you. Leave the rest as an offering to Hecate. Light the purifying incense
in the censer, cut a door in the Circle, and, beginning in the eastern-most corner of your home,
smudge your home, going clockwise. Go into every closet, the bathroom, the garage - make sure your
entire house is smudged. As you go, chant: "Negativity be gone."
Come back into the Circle and visualize your entire house and yard bathed in a peaceful blue light.
Since you have created a void by banishing the negativity, you will need to fill that void. Ask that good,
protective spirits come into your home and that positive energies replace the negative ones that have
just been banished. This is an important step, because if you don't fill the void with something good,
the negativity will come right back. Thank Hecate. Meditate if you wish, visualizing your life free from
negative happenings and feelings and full of love, prosperity, and happiness. Feel how She has changed
your home and your life. Close the Circle and know that it is done.


Encircle a red candle with any protection herb and light
the wick. Sit and gaze at the fiery power of the light
that shall protect you from harm. When you are ready, you
may say this, or another verse:
For thine protection, I now pray,
Let all evil turn away.
Protect me night,
Protect me day,
And keep misfortune well at bay.


Candles three, green and white,
Protect me here upon this night.
The Moon is full, the sky is clear,
Bane and evil disappear.
The mighty wolf shall guide my way,
and protect my spirit night and day.
Come hither! Come hither!
Spirits of the Wolf, strong and great!
Guard me in this circle and through my life.


Softly chant this spell over your vehicle before going on a trip: "Lady light,be our guide, where 'er we are, stand by our side. Keep us safe by will and might,keep us always in your site."


1 small firm lemon
99 multi colored glass headed pins
ribbon or cord for hanging

During the phase of the new moon, take the lemon and insert each pin into it about halfway, working around the lemon in a clockwise fashion. Wipe away any lemon juice that appears. When finished, wrap in clean, dry cloth and store in a dark place until the full moon. At that time, take it out and present it to the moon, asking that the lunar energy enhance the magical effectiveness of the lemon charm. Use these words, or words of your own
"O Lady of the lemon light,
cast your power into my spell tonight,
Lemon round will my enemies confound
Pins within, peaceful protection be bound."


To magically safeguard yourself, get a small mirror, preferably one that fits nicely into a pocket, purse or camera case, etc. Hold the mirror in your hands and turn it counterclockwise three times repeating this incantation each time:
'Dilemmas deflect; evil avert;
Bad luck reflect; all problems divert.'
Then turn it clockwise three times, saying:
'Artemis, in this mirror shine
So that safety will be mine.'


Sandalwood Incense
Blue Candle
White Candle
Purple Candle

Relax and dress and empower your candles. Next call your circle and light your incense. Then set up candles with the white one in the middle with the blue and purpl on either side. Light them with the white one first. Concentrate on what you want them to do. Start reciting the spell:
On this day and in this hour....I call upon a higher power...I come to you in perfect love and perfect trust. O God of the sun and earth, And Goddess of the moon and sea, I need you to protect ________ 3x3. Protect _______ as they travel abroad, On their journey to and fro...Keep them safe from harm and negatives so they come back alive and well. I ask this again in perfect love and perfect trust. No harm be done to none, and all be well...This is my will, 3x3, so mote it be!!!
Keep concentrating on them being safe and returning safely to you. Finish your ritual in the way you always do.


To help hurry along a person's recovery from an illness, write their name on a human-shaped candle (based on gender). While anointing it with myrrh or mint oil, visualize healing energy in the form of white light, flowing from your fingers into the candle. Recite:
"In the divine name of the Goddess
who breathes life into us all
I consecrate and charge this candle
as a magickal tool for healing."
Place the charged candle on top of a photograph of the sick person, and then light the wick. As the candle burns down, concentrate on the person, willing them to be healthy, and chant this incantation:
"Magick mend and candle burn,
sickness end; good health return."


Prepare an envelope from a square of paper that you have folded - If you do not know how to do this, you can use a very small letter envelope. On the envelope write the word "Health". (some prefer to write this using runes or other alphabet) Then write the name(s) of the person you are directing the healing toward.
Enclose the following herbs into the envelope:
Angelica, Burdock, Galangal, Horehound, Elder, Lavender, Lemon Balm, Mandrake Root, Rose, Rue, Sassafras, and Yellowdock.
Chant the following:
I charge these herbs to aid my spell,
that _______ (name of person) will be well,
That by free will that can be blessed,
with total health and happiness,
I ask the Goddess to hear my call,
that it may be correct and for the good of all.
Pass the envelope through your altar candle and catch the envelope on fire. Focus on the smoke and visualize the energy blowing with the smoke toward those in need. Allow the envelope to burn completely - I recommend putting the burning paper into the cauldron or other fire safe container.
I call upon a breath of wind,
Empowered by the Spirit of Air,
To carry my spell toward my kin,
and gracefully deliver it there.
By all the power of three times three,
this spell bound around shall be,
To cause no harm, nor return on me,
As I do will, So mote it be!


Glass of water or milk to take medication
Medication bottle
A clean seashell
A small thin candle, blue or green
Your altar tools

Cast circle, and invite your Gods to join. Trace a rune of healing over the bottle with your progective fore-finger and charge the medication with healing. See yourself taking the medication and getting healthier. Keep this visualization in mind. Light your candle and focus on becoming healthier and let some wax drip on the bottle. Take the pricribed dose out of the bottle and put in the shell. See the rune of healing in blue on pill(s). Hold shell infront and above your head and ask your Gods to infuse it with their love. Before taking medication say "I consume this medication, infused with the love and power of the God and Goddess* so that I will become stronger and healthier. So mote it be!" Take your medication with the glass of water and know that your will be heal and stengthen you. Thank your Gods andclose the circle. You can say a comfermation of why you are taking the medication everytime for each dose. Do this ritual every time you get a knew bottle. *!
You may substitute your Gods names here or use the names Hygeia and Asclepius, respectfully the Goddess and God of healing. Blessed Be, and may you get well soon!


Concentrate all your thought on where the pain is and chant thrice: "Tame thou flesh and blood, as our lady tames the lion." This is a good spell because it can be done anytime, anywhere, without any fuss.


Light a fire of oak wood, if possible. When much of the wood has been reduced to glowing pieces of charcoal, pick up one carefully with a pair of tongs or shovel & throw it immediately into a stream or pot of cold water. It will sizzle & pop. As it does visualize the disease leaving the body of the afflicted person. Repeat this operation three more times.


Draw a picture of yourself with the disease, wound or condition. Clearly point out the problem in the picture: a large hammer against the head to represent a headache; black worms for a virus; a broken limb; a sore.
Charge a red candle with healing energy. light the candle's flame. Hold the tip of the picture in the flame. After it's lit, drop it into a heat proof container.
Now, with the red candle still burning, draw another picture of yourself without the headache, free of the virus or sore, or with a healed limb. Place this picture under the red candle & let it burn out.
You are done.