P and H place their crowns on their heads, take up their athames (or swords) and stand side by side holding them up in salute.
M: Now, then, you must face those whom you seek.
S removes cloth.
M: Behold, in these two do we see the gods. And in that, know that we and they are the same.
S: As we need the gods, so do the gods need us.
P: I am s/he who speaks for the God/dess, yet you and I are equal.
H: I am s/he who speaks for the God/dess, yet you and I are equal.
P & H lower their blades.
I: I salute the Lord and the Lady, as I salute those who represent them. I pledge my love and support to them and to my brothers and sisters of the Craft.
P: Do you know the Wiccan Rede?
I: I do. States the Rede in hir's own words.
P: In this act, we celebrate a Covenant between you and the Lord and Lady. Have you brought your Covenant today?
I: I have. States Covenant in hir's own words (if desired). Sets it aflame and places it in a cauldron.
P: Are you ready to swear that you will always be true to the Craft?
I: I am.
P: Are you always ready to help, protect and defend your brothers and sisters of the Craft?
I: I am.
I kneels.
P: Then say after me:
"I, ___, in the presence of the Mighty Ones do of my own free will and accord most solemnly swear that I will ever keep sacred the Art of the Craft. And that I will never deny knowledge to any person, if he or she be properly prepared, searching, or of a right and pure heart. All this I swear by all that I hold sacred."
Bell is rung three times. H & P help I to feet. P takes consecration oil and moistens fingertips.
P: With this Sacred oil I annoint and cleanse you in the Triple Sign. I consecrate thee with oil, giving new life to one of the Children of the Gods. Hir touches I just above pubic hair, on right breast, on left breast and again above pubic hair. Priest/ess and witch. Come, now, and meet your kindred.
The ritual may be interupted for each member of the group to welcome and congratulate hir. When this is done, present and annoint the working tools (with oil by both P and I).
P: Now I present the working tools. First the Athame. With this, as with the Magick Sword, you can form all Magick Circles, dominate, subdue, and persuade the elements and spirits. With this in your hand, You are the ruler of the Circle.
Next I present the Magick Sword. This is the true witch's weapon and has all the powers of the Athame.
Next I present the White-handled knife. Its use is to form all instruments used in the Art. It can only be used in a Magick Circle.
Next I present the Wand. Its use is to call up and control the more subtle energies with whom it would not be right to use the Magick Sword.
Next I present the Cup. This is the vessel of the Goddess, the Cauldron of Cerridwen. From this we drink in comradeship, and in honour of the God and Goddess.
Next I present the Pentacle. This is for the purpose of calling up appropriate spirits, and serves as a reminder of our proper place in the Universe.
Next I present the Censer of Incense. This is used to encourage and welcome good spirits and to banish evil spirits.
In many traditions, lessons are taught by hardship. We recognize the importance of hard work and these lessons. I present to you the Scourge, an ancient symbol of hardship. Use this as a reminder of the Burning Times when a mis-spoken word, a side glance or errant action could mean torture and death. Remember these times and their meanings and never forget the sacrifice of our brothers and sisters in the Craft.
It has also been used as an aide for purification and enlightenment, for it is written "to learn you must suffer and be purified."
Are you willing to endure all that is required of you to learn?
I: I am.
P: In the not so distant past, the Priest and Priestess of the coven kept each covener's measure in the event that any person would betray the others or leave the coven. There is no longer a need for such control, so I give back to you your measure in recognition of love, trust and as a reminder of your devotion to the Gods.
Next and lastly I present the Cords. They are of use to shape the sigils in the Art.
I now salute you, priest/ess and witch.
Bell is rung three times.
P leads I to Cardinal points.
Here ye Mighty Ones of the East, South, West and North;
___ has been consecrated priest/ess, witch and child of the God and Goddess.
Now is truly a time for celebration.
P & H continue with Cakes & Ale.
I dismisses directions and closes the Circle.