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Coven Of The Good Witch Rule Book

Coven Of The Good Witch,

While the following may seem like alot, these are fairly simple guidelines that we have set out. While they are not set in stone we have found them to be helpful in keeping the circle running smooth and confusion at a minimum.....


Rituals in COTGW are set up that full and new moon rituals are done free-flowing
and non scripted. It is requested that individuals participate fully in ritual and if the occasion arises and the individual feels comfortable taking an active part as in calling of quarters, casting circle, blessing of cakes and ale, ect.... Full and New moons rituals are working circles  when spells are cast, divination is done, meditation is conducted. Sabbats are more formal. They will be scripted out so that each individual knows exactly what their part in ritual is. Sabbat rituals are celebratory rituals and will be conducted as so with a potluck feast afterwards, this gives each member time to talk and bond with each other which in my opionion makes for a tighter, closerknit group.

Rituals will be performed robed with the exception of New and Full Moons (usually done Skyclad) and initiations.
Robes: need to be of uniform color or style.(Our colors Purple and Black)
Each level of initiation has a certain color/style cord that they are given and expected to wear:
inititated members-Red cord,
members of the priesthood-silver and gold cord,
High Priest and High Priestess-red, silver, gold cord.
New and Full Moons will be performed Skyclad, If the individual feels like wearing. Ritual jewelry, headpieces and things of that nature they are encouraged.

What can I attend?

A guest has the right to attend and participate in any open ritual. They may also
be invited to attend certain Sabbat rituals. But their participation at Sabbat rituals is by agreement by all initiated coven members.
Guests have no say in the working or rules binding the coven.
Guests have no ties to the coven and may come and go for as long as they please.

Petioning members:
A individual who has petitioned the circle for initiation into the circle may attend all rituals with the exception of initiation rituals and certain rites of passage.
Until initiation peititioners have limited say in the workings and rules binding the coven.
They will also not be allowed to attend closed meetings. Before an individual can petition the coven for initiation there must be attendence at 3 months worth of coven events, these includes: new moons, discussion groups, or any other coven event or function.

Initiated members:
A individual who has undergone initiation has the right to attend all
rituals and sabbats. However, if after initiation, the individual misses 3 consecutive months (6 New and Full Moons) of rituals their position in the coven may be re-evaluated. It will then be decided (in closed meeting) if they should continue to be fully initiated members of the circle.

Initiated members are also given equal vote in decisions regarding the covens workings.
They will be called upon to attend coven business meetings (once every 3 months) and special meetings regarding issues that concern the coven.
Though the High Priestess has the final vote in the event of dissention among the coveners, coveners will be expected to discuss and vote on issues that affect the coven.

High Priestess/Priest:
The High Priestess/Priest are expected to coordinate and attend
ALL rituals unless there is sickness or work conflicts. Though she/he are in charge of all rituals he/she may and will delegate the responsibility of rituals among the members of the priesthood and initiated members.

The High Priestess:
also holds the ability to banish any coven member who committed
any SERIOUS violation of coven rules or members privacy.
If a banishment is required the High Priestess will take the situation to the circle as a whole and the offending individual will be notified of the length of the banishment.
A banishment can last for a minimum of 3 months or may be a permanent banishment from the coven. The offending individual may choose to return to the coven after banishment but it is not required. Again this if only for SERIOUS violations of individuals or covens rights.
Note: Regarding any type of initiation into The Coven Of The Good Witch if at any point during your association with this group you feel like you have made a mistake you are free to leave. We do not hold you to this circle.
A persons indivdual path may change and evolve and there must be a level of freedom for growth. Should this situation arise please feel free to be honest with yourself and with the group and we shall send you on your way with love and best wishes.
Entrance into The Coven Of The Good Witch:

Entrance into Coven is taken on an individual basis. Coming to New Moon or Sabbat rituals does not hold you in any way to the circle itself. A person wishing to be initiated into the coven must petition the circle during a New Moon ritual.
The request will then be discussed in a closed meeting and the petitioner will be notified during the next New Moon.

Initiation into The Coven Of The Good Witch:

After the indivuals petition has been accepted they will then undergo a mimimum 9 month period where they are expected to perform certain tasks.
At this point the individual will be given a sponsor to help them with any questions they may have, help them during their studies, and stand up for them during the initiation cerimony. The 9 month period is a minimum and can be extended depending on the needs of the individual. This decision will be decided by the High Priest and High Priestess.

Requirements of Coven initiation into The Coven Of The Good Witch:

*Learn to Ground and Center.

*Become familiar with the Elements and correspondences.
*Learn various methods of altar arrangement.

*Acquire and become familiar with the uses of basic magical tools.

*Understand and perform Full and New Moon rituals
*Learn various methods of casting a circle and cast a circle during ritual.

*Explore at least two aspects of the God and Goddess and study their history, mythology and archetypes .

*Become familiar with basic energy work and assist with raising group energy.

*Become familiar with the Wheel of the Year as celebrated by this coven.
*Become familiar with one method of divination.

Initiation can only come upon a complete agreement by all initiated coven members.

Initiation into coven of the good witch priesthood:

Initiation into covens priesthood can occur upon initiates request.
It is NOT a requirement, NOR a right. If a member decides they would like to be initiated into the priesthood they will undergo a year of training prior to initiation, Again, initiation into the priesthood is up to the individual and is not required.

Requirements of initiation into the Priesthood:

 A Person must Successfully complete the requirements for and receive the thrid degree initiation at the coven level before being able to continue and:

*Devise and demonstrate an alternative method of invoking a ritual circle.

*Write an original guided meditation and facilitate that meditation in a group setting.

*Direct a cone of power during a group ritual and magical working.

*Be Prepared to Lead group ritual for Full or New Moons upon request by the HP/HPS

*Demonstrate familiarity with a second form of divination
*Do additional work to enhance your relationship with the God and the Goddess.

*Identify and begin working with an area of magical specialty in which you would like to do advanced study and development.

*Demonstrate some familiarity with the basic tenets and beliefs of at least three major world religions which are not part of the modern Neopagan movement.

*Act as an instructor, under supervision, in the training and teaching of a dedicant for initiation into coven.

*Become familiar with trance work and further studies into different Pagan/Neo Pagan traditions.

*Demonstrate by the individuals manner of living and interactions with others that the student has achieved an increased level of personal growth and development, and the he or she is fully prepared in all respects to be made "Priestess and Witch"

To begin training to recieve an initiation as High Priest/ess.

This situation is entirely up to the HP/HPS. They alone are responsible for making sure that an individual is ready for this step and they may decide for or against this step.


**Successfully complete the requirements for, and receive initiation in the Priesthood and performed in the position of Priestess/priest for a minimum of a year and a half
*Demonstrate commitment to the Gods and Their purposes
*Leading group ritual on a regular basis.
*Continuing to deepen and develop his or her relationship to the Divine.

*Individuals should be prepared to demonstrate that they have given serious consideration to the following:

How has having a relationship with specific patron deities changed or affected the candidate?
How has the candidate's perception of his or her patrons changed over time , and do those changes, if any, affect the candidate's response to the previous question? If so, how do they affect it?
How does having a relationship with a specific patron or patrons affect the candidates ability to work with other Aspects of the Divine as necessary in designing or leading rituals for specific purposes or to meet an individual's specific need?
How familiar is the candidate with specific deities and pantheons other than his or her patron's? how is this familiarity, or any lack thereof, likely to affect the candidates ability to function as High Priestess or High Priest in an eclectic tradition?

*Demonstrate that he or she has a clear and honest understanding of his or her personal strengths and weaknesses, and how these are likely to affect his or her ability to work as Priest or Priestess.
*Continue to work and develop his or her skills in a chosen area of magical specialty.

*Demonstrate commitment to leadership within the coven, or within the greater pagan community, by:

Proving his or her ability to teach by taking a student all the way to initiation.
Displaying a practical understanding of the logistics of leading a coven, to include delegation and appropriate methods of problem solving, where necessary.
Demonstrating the ability to cope with emergencies, both magical and mundane.
Assemble a set of rites of passage suitable for all major transitions within a person's life stages.
Clearly show evidence that the candidate has seriously addressed the question of what it means to be Pagan in a largely non-Pagan world.

**Demonstrate by the candidate's manner of living and interactions with others that the candidate has achieved an advanced level of personal growth and development, and a consistent understanding of the ethical conduct and behavior expected of a High Priest of High Priestess. The individual must show further that he or she is of such character that he or she is fit to be entrusted with the leadership of an independent coven, in the Neo-Pagan community or the world at large, and he or she is fully prepared in all respects to made "High Priestess or Priest"

All members of the Coven or circle shall conduct themselves in a manner in keeping with the Wiccan Rede: "An it harm none, do as ye will"; and in accordance with the traditional structure that Wiccans should deal with one another in a spirit of "Perfect Love and Perfect Trust."

* All members of Coven and\or Circle are expected to conduct themselves in a manner in keeping with the Essence of the Laws, the Bylaws, and the Traditions of the Wiccan community.

* Furthermore, each individual present within Coven and\or Circle is governed by the 'Tenets of the Wiccan Redes', the spirit of 'Perfect Love and Perfect Trust,' 'The Laws of the Craft,' and the policies of the 'Initiates Council and the Wiccan Clergy!' Misconduct and inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated on the part of any celebrant, dedicant, or initiate, as well as:

* The use or possession of illegal drugs at or in connection with rituals or activities.

* Forcing or coercing another individual to participate in sexual activity against his or her desires, or to consume mind-altering substances against his or her will; or requiring complete or partial nudity of any individual against his or her will; or obtaining consent to any of these by deception or misrepresentation, or under color of authority or rank, regardless of the circumstances under which these actions take place.

* Any deliberate action directed toward another individual that is calculated to cause injury, harm or pain; be it hysical, mental or emotional, where it is clear that the member in doing so has acted inappropriately, out of proportion to the circumstances, or in abuse of his or her discretion.

* Any member of Coven or circle who violates the standards outlined above shall be subject to disciplinary action and possible banishment!

Only the High Priestess and High Priest of Circle or Coven can Banish either a celebrant, dedicant, or Initiate from attending any ritual or activity, but shall not presume to exclude them from non-Wiccan rituals or activities.

* The celebrant who has been banished will be reported to others of the Wiccan Clergy, giving just reason for such action - so that he or she may not claim current membership in their Circle or Coven, although he or she may continue to refer to himself or herself as an initiate if such a degree has been conferred upon the individual.

* The Wiccan Clergy are to tell members of Coven or Circle concerned about the celebrant(s) banishment, that the person in question is no longer a member of Coven or Circle in good standing by order of the High Priestess and High Priest.

Interference by Coven members in the lives of other coveners with the intent of
causing disruption to family or non-Craft life will be considered a serious infringement of Craft Law, punishable if necessary by banishment from the Coven This will be done openly in front of all members in Circle.Appropriate punishment for the breaking of Craft Laws and Coven Rules will be taken by the Elders. The Elders' words are final on these matters.Coven members are expected to behave with honour and integrity, with all members of the Coven, other members of the Craft, fellow Pagans, and in their dealings with other people in general.

Disciplinary Actions:

* Disciplinary actions may be imposed by teachers appointed by the Council of Initiates on their Dedicants, by the High Priestess and\or High Priest of Coven or Circle on the celebrants of their Rituals, or by the Wiccan Clergy of the Tradition on any celebrant of the Tradition.

* Celebrant(s) may be asked not to attend any Coven or Circle rituals until the grievance is resolved.

* Dedicant(s) and\or Initiate(s) may be asked not to participate on any but the basic celebrant level until the grievance is resolved, or for a period of time determined to be appropriate by the Initiates Council.

* Disciplinary actions may not include the removal of an initiate's degree. Initiation is a state which, once conferred, may not be rescinded.

* Any action imposed by a teacher on a dedicant must be presented to the Initiates Council immediately.

* These actions may not be decided on until the next meeting of the Initiates Council. If they are not approved, the actions must be withdrawn.

* The Council may choose to appoint a new teacher for the dedicant should they consider it appropriate.

* The may also impose disciplinary action on the teacher in question should they feel that the measures imposed on the dedicant were beyond the scope of the teacher and dedicant relationship.