'; document.write(cal); } function stripBad(string) { for (var i=0, output='', valid="eE-0123456789."; i 2 ) { jy = y2; jm = m2 + 1; } else { jy = y2 - 1; jm = m2 + 13; } var intgr = Math.floor( Math.floor(365.25*jy) + Math.floor(30.6001*jm) + d2 + 1720995 ); var intgr2 = intgr; var gregcal = 15 + 31*( 10 + 12*1582 ); if( d2 + 31*(m2 + 12*y2) >= gregcal ) { ja = Math.floor(0.01*jy); intgr2 += 2 - ja + Math.floor(0.25*ja); } rjd = intgr2; return rjd; } function jd_to_cal(rjd) { mowstr = new Object; mowstr[0]="January"; mowstr[1]="February"; mowstr[2]="March"; mowstr[3]="April"; mowstr[4]="May"; mowstr[5]="June"; mowstr[6]="July"; mowstr[7]="August"; mowstr[8]="September"; mowstr[9]="October"; mowstr[10]="November"; mowstr[11]="December"; var aday1 = Math.round(rjd%7) daysz = new Object; daysz[5] = "Saturday" daysz[6] = "Sunday" daysz[0] = "Monday" daysz[1] = "Tuesday" daysz[2] = "Wednesday" daysz[3] = "Thursday" daysz[4] = "Friday" var jd = rjd; var intgr = rjd; var gregjd = 2299161; if( intgr >= gregjd ) { var tmp = Math.floor( ( (intgr - 1867216) - 0.25 ) / 36524.25 ); j1 = intgr + 1 + tmp - Math.floor(0.25*tmp); } else { j1 = intgr;} var j2 = j1 + 1524; var j3 = Math.floor( 6680.0 + ( (j2 - 2439870) - 122.1 )/365.25 ); var j4 = Math.floor(j3*365.25); var j5 = Math.floor( (j2 - j4)/30.6001 ); var d = Math.floor(j2 - j4 - Math.floor(j5*30.6001)); var m = Math.floor(j5 - 1); if( m > 12 ) m -= 12; var y = Math.floor(j3 - 4715); if( m > 2 ) --y; if( y <= 0 ) --y; var result=new Array; result[0] = daysz[aday1] result[1] = mowstr[m-1] result[2] = d result[3] = y for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { return result; } } } -->

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Engagement Calendar for a Week (7 days)

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To create a Weekly Engagement Calendar: Enter the information for the first day of the week (7 days).

Select a month and a date, enter a year (YYYY) then click "Create"
After the Calendar is created, print the Calendar.

If you select "February 31", the computer will print "Not a Day"
To clear the entry boxes click "Reset".

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