the colfax diaries

"giving thanks"

november 26th

THERE'S A REASON FOR EVERYTHING. I have a secret to tell. It brings tears to my eyes to think that you all MIGHT be
there to hear it when I tell it thru this very process. But I WON'T tell it until close to time to evacuate from incarceration.
Matthews doesn't know it. No one does.
Charlie Brennan knows logical phase one.
It's a Christmas thing! It's a note thing!
If someone were to have a slide photograph of me in Vancouver with a note on Christmas, it would be incredible to
superimpose another photo of me at the Ramsey house shoving flaming paper through a mail slot. There is one more thing...a
thing that makes what happened to ME more sensible.
Nothing will explain the Ramsey's actions. (Or their lawyers.)
But there was a NOTE PROBLEM for me on DEC 26th 96. And this can be verified.
I have been inturrupted for about eight hours from trying to carefully foreshadow the above dark chapter.
I was beaten severely in my cell early this afternoon. I hold Boulder responsible for this. I have no time left tonite. I'm hating this
period. I'm telling you it's hopeless. Now I'm in medical segregation. Eyes swollen so I can barely see. Got any matches?
Happy Thanksgiving/ yeah, right.

[email protected]


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