from prison

| may | april | march | february | january |

may letters

don't write him in hebrew

may 19
"i drank beer waiting for the day to come"

may 14, 15, 16
"where the sarcastic bubble of the daydream lies"

may 13
"a nameless transient hotel"

may 12
"there is further to go"

may 11
"a temporary mass grave for 400"

may 10
"d'arriere en avante"

may 7, 8, 9
"i want a pizza..."

may 6
"under 10 weeks"

may 5
"patsy manson"

may 4
"just take a bible in with you"

may 3
"eeelish guard out of the blue"

april letters

april 30 thru may 2
"nervous excitability"

april 29
"no proud glory in defending it"

april 28
"my shortcomings as a friend"
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april 27
"and I don't like gossipers."

april 26
"a miserable street preacher's show"

april 23, 24, 25
"and a entire party gets thrown
under da buss....splat!"

april 22
"when that casket hits les earth"

april 21
"you've been drinking again"

april 20
"assaulting an officer"

april 19
"corporate america's tribute
to jonbenet ramsey"

april 16, 17, 18
"the toothbrush incident"

april 15
"easy breezy weezy,the jail god"

april 14
"oh, there's a hunger now"

april 12
"those hot texas funerals"

april 9, 10, 11
"a cautionary tale"

april 8
"oh, how the inmates laughed at patsy"

april 7
"a human eye, succulent in my mouth"

april 6
"a touch of hollywood"

april 5
"the cruelest ,craziest charts and graphs"

april 2-4
"i feel that i murmur in fear. "

april 1
"temporary cobain"

march letters

march 31
"let's let go"

march 30
"les midget shakin and thrustin in the doorway,"

march 29
"i undo my tie as i pull away..."

march 26-28
"it's okay, I just want the sperm""

march 25
"a brownish jellyfish with very orange eyes"

march 24
"a hideous apparition emitting from 2 smokestacks"

march 23rd
"time to smooth out les dress"

march 22nd
"mamas gone bad, shrieking in the chair"

march 19th-21st
"mommy, can we go to elitch's?"

march 18th
"dear inmate - a letter from 'robyn'"

march 17th
"there's a web blatherer named denver and she's kuh kuh krazy"

march 16th
"mortuary shame, part deux"

march 15th
"shameful mortuary story part one"

march 12th-14th
"a festive buttered yellow"

march 11th
"this town is wrecked"

march 10th
"cord dangling from an attic portal"

march 9th
"entrails and bile and goo - oh my"

march 5th-8th
"watch me CRUNCH"

march 4th
"terrifed that i was peeing myself"

march 3rd
"a thimble full of vitrolic diarrhea"

march 2nd
"hot tar came a drippin thru the roof"

march 1st
"put in some eyedrops and DRIVE"

february letters

february 1st
"the letter from the hotel scribe"

february 2nd

february 3rd
"deputy danny neu's absence"

february 4th
"the howling wind, le resistance... i am landing this ship"

february 5th-7th
"tick, tick, tick"

february 8th
"a powdered wig, a pinch of snuff and some fruity clothes"

february 9th
"oh god...THE EYES!!!"

february 10th
"schantz's rue morgue files vanish"

february 11th
"out of everyone, the system failed him the most"

february 12th-15th
"they did bind his limbs like jbr only tighter"

february 16th
"le junkie on le tier"

february 18th
"the distrust is, as you can see, total"
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february 19th-21st
"cursed jbr morgue logs anonymously mailed to fruity place...part 1"
*** N E W ***

february 22nd
"jbr morgue log part 2"
*** N E W ***

february 23rd
"chaise lounge in front of a full blast retort"
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february 24th
"a casket with the ability to nag"
*** N E W ***

february 25th
"a "weaselectomy" is expensive...donate today!"
*** N E W ***

february 26th-28th
"ONLY during book fallout week...not before, not after"
*** N E W (3/8)***

january letters

*december 31st-january 3rd
"morty screams out to lt. weasel (haas)"

january 5th
"baby snuggems gets media blocked"

january 7th
"people's choice"

january 8th-10th
"a transparent flag"

january 11th
" 'splain please"

january 12th
"blanket over head"

january 13th
"puhleeeeze stop eatin' those peanuts"

january 14th
"decomposition" is the same in french"

january 15th-18th
"the suicide at gilpin"

january 19th
"benet means "simpleton" in french"

january 20th
"back to corpse...literally"

january 21st
"no more clippings"

january 22nd-24th
"those petty bnf posters"

january 25th
"wrestle that filthy, fat corpse"

january 26th
"who's out there?"

january 27th
"wiltonjr gets huffy"

january 28th-31st
"beanie's new face"

This site is dedicated to the BCSD and other law enforcement officials
who may be reading this now. It's good to know our tax dollars are at work!

don't you realize...

[email protected]


current | 1999 | 1998 | colfax diaries