the colfax diaries

"like a rat in a toilet"

december 8th

Got two letters at the amazingly normal time of 11:00 a.m. One concerned the "fracas" in the General Population module at the Boulder County Jail.  All of them were IDIOTS. One of them, "Opie", I referred to a couple of times as my neighbor. Two of them, including "Opie", picked up new charges.

Boulder guards are starting rumors that I was beaten up in Gilpin County and then moved to Douglas County in the aftermath. ANYTHING to explain the moves!

The police did NOT come to the jail to ask Harvey Martin about his talking with two homeless men who said Susannah Chase used to run off the homeless with a bat. ( She was KILLED with a bat.)

I see now by a printout of Mrs. Brady's counter that I'm under the 200 day mark. (A former prisoner looking it up at the library in Longmont. Contribute to the exposing of idiocy!)

Now let me tell you that on "fire day" I was drinking a quart of beer at a picknik table across from the Justice Center when along comes this Manson follower type tough grrl. She read some anti-Patsy graffitti I'd written on the table and called it a "poem". I thought it more a slogan. Anyway, I told her what I was a gonna do. And she made SURE  to give me GOOD directionds to the Ramsey house.

Tomorrow the commissary items arrive. I FORGOT to tell you that last week they left the 20 stamps/20 envelopes OFF of my order. When I complained they gave me 7 envelopes and 5 stamps that I didn't have to pay for. But when I mail THIS posting today I will be UNABLE to mail ANYTHING if they "forget" my stamps TOMORROW. Every single week since Nov 11th I've had same odd DIFFICULTY with postage.

I see I left myself a note to use the phrase, "like a rat in a toilet" but I forget why. Maybe it meant that I should SNAP my hands in and PLUCK a rat outta the terlet and SQUEEZE until a toothpaste-like line of chit squashes out across Murphy's face.

"The hole" in Boulder where some of the "fracas" people are...and where JOHN R. WILL BE... is where I was when bitter hateful-light-in-loafers deputy Harris mentioned the outside news that Sinatra was dead. I was in SMAN ( withVennie Thompson) when Princess Di died. He FLIPPED OUT over the funeral music.

"BLUE" the acid dealer I spoke of yesterday is waiting to go to the work release side of the jail. He and someone named "Doinkey" used to do eat n runs at Boulder restaurants.THAT is a picture you NEED to envision a certain undercurrent in the BC Jail: "Well, Doinkey, my name's John, John Ramsey, and I'll be happy to let you read the exploits of ZIPPY as soon as I'm done with this article on Bill Gate's latest crazy exploits."

How can I get a job...putting surprizes in cereal boxes.

What if I'd DONE what I went to Vancouver to do? ( Tell you in 5 months).

Like Norman Rockwell up there, oh god it was AWFUL period. Radiaitng.

Doomed....I'm doomed, but please ignore that AND give me condescending speeches. You'll see, you'll see. Sad as it was, it was to be an ORIGINAL production. You'll see the Ramsey case isn't just something I'm CLIMBING is a shadow that eclipsed me at a TERRIBLE time. At the worst moment imaginable I ended up with the Keystone Kops digging in my nerves.

I recieved a clip today re: Krupski's suit delayed. Nothing is ALLOWED to happen in December even remotely related to the Ramsey case. "Morty" the mortuary pie winks at you and tells ya again: "Krupski is a liar."

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