"wrestle that filthy, fat corpse"
january 25th Today WOULD have marked the day when I had exactly 5 months to go. But the general public's mental illness had to INTERFERE with my easy slothful carefree incarceration by calling the jail and reminding them I think and breathe. Really, why not get right down to installing HEAD SETS in lieu of ankle bracelets, the twist being any old know it all can press a remote button and zap out a dose of painful trampling revenge. The sweet little diabetic burgular (who gouged open a Broomfield ATM and was staring at 20,000 in springloaded cash when ordered to drop the crowbar) no longer sits at my table. Whisper, whisper. Go Figure, are dvus, muni, betsy, lacey, fly, nik, and buffy still hovering and buzzing over the Ramsey case on the internet? Is the Boulder News Forum back up? The saga continues. Who has called whom's boss today? Oh Rodney, why is Beanie disillusioned? No one sits at my table; anyway glass was found in the food last night. Sounds like something a bitter shreiking NET person would do. I've seen collar greed
it's so busy up in booking they are not letting arriving police cars drive straight into the garage. So the street cops and the perp sit out there at the intercom, waiting like at McDonalds. I do solemnly swear that I heard someone forcefully smile out the word "ROOMIE" too casually last nite...like so, "hey roomie, would you put me on the breakfast list?" This had to be said so loud in the crowd? ATTENTION. I've been hanging out with the guy who had the seizure the other night. " 'Seizure attention', please report to booking". He went to the state hospital today. They marched about fifteen cop recruits through for a tour tonight. Three or four of them wore hoods over their future narcking faces. When we run out of the piece work we do all day in the gym everyone starts working out on the weights. In the nearby bathrooms there are real glass mirrors. Without fail, most of these guys saunter in front of the door to see if they got any bigger after EACH 10 lift set! "Attention" in French is "attention". I've been reading about how the Marburg virus ( a sister and precurser to Ebola) caused a mortician's testicles to swell and rot. I remember one time at an intensive care unit somewhere on a high floor of a forgettable hospital, where I was a wrestling the filthy fat corpse onto my gurney in full view of a gum chewing counter full of non budging nurses. No help at all. Net result...no dignity either. So I'm ALL OVER this damn corpse getting my tie all juicy, etc. When I come out breathing hard to sign the release the exhausted nursey lursey, pillar-of-society, spews out, "oh, he has hepatitis B" A little late. So on the one hand we've got my wicked glugging personality traits. But we also have SITAUATIONS, and when you FAIL to consider that, it makes me hope I'm the one to sew up your leaking judgemental genitals Oh, yes, indeed; a kodak moment. current | 1999 | 1998 | colfax diaries |