the colfax diaries

"just take a bible in with you "

may 4

Lincoln put his whole foot flat down - like a clown - when he walked. I wish you'd see my flickering image that way - sloshing forth in exhausted ENNUI to tell you my sort of indolence is crackling far and wide but unUnionised throughout the land. THe war of the dullards.

Grapeshot Rattling on an oh so ordinary bridge.

At long last we made it out to the yard for an hour.

Two cellies - stoner kids - who follow rock bands round country - began to have a rift between them over one staying up with the light on all nite. So I told the  other one, "well then - you just take a bible in with you before lockdown and proceed to read it OUT LOUD for good long stretches." "Render Fou" means: to drive mad. Okay. Hardly ANY time after lockdown I heard the painful screams eminating from under the door.

Recently the computers for the Colorado Bureau du Investigation went down, so, for a week or so, everyone pulled over for a ticket or something could NOT be "run" for a warrant. Jail's populations went down statewide.

Everyday, some static Ramsey story. Today's Chan. 4 says "A judge" in Boulder has ruled out TV cameras IF there is a R. trail.

Yesterday,  in my life skills class, a female deputy said she was tired and turned to the AREA of the room where 3 female inmates were sitting and said, "I think I'll go take a nap in CELL #10" -(the woman's Quiet Lockdown cell, one of two.) And so I said from les back of the room, "isn't that the cell reserved for Patsy Ramsey," which made the girls LOOK at each other with a "see-I-told-you" look and I'm sure I detected a GRIMACE on the faces of all three. There were mumbles but I quite CLEARLY heard ________ _________ , who was sitting next to me say, "We've got the bomb rady for her." I'm not gonna pout the girl's name in AND I want to downplay her remark by pointing out the context in which sh said it related to the fact that the group had been discussing th Columbine shootings/bombings. In my opinion she was NOT seriously THREATENING PR's life. Anyway this MINISCULE glimpse into the attitudes of three female inmates (who behave well enough to get the priveledge to attend this class) just goes to show those girls ARE indeed aware of the possible impending THREAT of Patsy Ramsey maybe Rockin their little world. "Dix sur dix" (ten outta ten) of these girls is gonna be filled with RESENTMENT when les Princess arrives. Patsy, Patsy, Patsy.

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