B 885 PCI-Bus (80486 SX/ DX/ DX2/ DX4)


Board Layout - Graphic 34.7 K



(1)Power-On LED: Pin I "+" is live, Pins2 &3 are grounds.

Power-On LED to indicate various power management modes. When system entry power management modes, the LED will be flashed.

(2) KeyLock Pins3 & 4 or Pins4 & 5 for a Case-mounted Keyboard lock.

(3) Speaker Pins7 & 10 for the lead from a speaker mounted inside the system case.

(4) Turbo LED Pin 11 "+" is live & 12 is for the lead from a Case-mounted Turbo Switch status indicator LED.

(5) Turbo Switch Pins 16 & 17 must be shorted for maximum speed operation (default), or connector for the lead from a Case-mounted Turbo Switch.

(6) Reset Switch Pins 19 & 20 for the lead from a reset switch mounted on the system case.

JP3(External Battery Connector) Pin l "+" for the lead from an external Battery Red wire.

Pin4 "-" for the lead from a External Battery Black wire.

JP7 : Rechargeable Battery Selection.

Pins l & 2 must be shorted to enable the use of a rechargeable battery. (Default)

Pins2 & 3 must be shorted to clear CMOS(M5818) Setup.

If the system board U9 installed has a OEC12C887ABTI position, the user does not have to install a 3.6V Rechargeable Battery, as the OEC 12C887A has a onboard battery.

Note: If the system board has a "BT1 position" don't put a 3.6V Rechargeable Battery in. It must use a 6V external battery connected to the JP3 connector.


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