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Pages have changed/been updated or added ! 98/07/14
 Or use the  list found at the bottom of each main page.
All the fancy javascripts that are used on my pages come from: 
 @ http://www.infohiway.com/javascript/indexf.htm
Reality Bites ! 
Visit the Child Welfare Society website in Cape Town and find out how you can make a difference !  
SkullShould the Death penalty be reinstated in South Africa ? Cast your vote and gauge the attitude at Death.  
LOST CHILDREN - South Africa
Miscellaneous Odd's and Ends
My list of yet Unsorted links
See a calender for the current month. (Java Script)
IE4 Powertoys - for Zoom, links page Etc! - Great Stuff !! Absolute must ! 
I.E. 4 Security Update ! - Fix a security bug ! - Get it here.
Microsoft DirectX 5 - Get it straight from the horses mouth. 
Send a SMS message to a 083 cell phone - SA only - MTN
Send a SMS message to a 082 cell phone - SA only - Vodacom
The weather in 3600 cities ( SAT Pics)
Zippo Lighters - Check the manufacturer's site !
Internet related stuff
An Internet Tutorial - All basics of the internet etc are explained.
Map of Southern African IAP's (Internet Access Providers).Look at all the Bandwith- Who's Got It ?)
Tutorials and Technical Notes - All about Serial, Parallel,TCPIP etc -Excellent
WinZip Now Get the latest version of WinZip straight from the creators !! 

 Email me about problems, links etc at the email address below.

If any of these graphics etc used on these pages are copyrighted, please let me know, and I will remove them. They have all been taken from the web from various sites claiming that they are free to use, but one never knows.

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Page updated 98/07/14