Personal Page

  I am a pathetic excuse for a male specimen, attempting to pose as a web page creator. 
I am old, going bald, and am trying to boost my own morale by doing this page. ( @#$% hair revival system did not work!!) 
  Mabey I can avoid the oncoming male menopause ?? 
  Anyway, this page is here mainly to say hi to my friends and family here in S.A. and overseas in the U.K. and U.S.A. 
  If you dont like this personal page being here, just go to the home page, and dont come back here again!!! 
  Here is a list of names, just so that I can embarrass them : 
  Terri  - my cousin, a programmer in the USA (Major Airline) 
Riana - his wife USA 
Cathy - his daughter Watch her Terri ! USA 
Tyler  - second cousin USA 
  Andrew  - my brother-in-law  Keep the dollars, rands, pounds rolling in!  UK 
Janeen    - my sister   Hope the new/old house is great!    UK 
Miles      - nephew  UK 
Aiken     - nephew  UK 
  The following in the SA: 
Stella       - my wife. Age ( ) Hidden so as to prevent divorce! Sexy and clever as well! Happy Birthday 14 April. 
Geoffrey  - my son. Age 12  Happy birthday 15 March. 
Samantha - my daughter. Age 7 Hi Sam! Leave Travis alone!
  Dad         - my DAD ?  Keep the heart pumping ! Happy birthday for 15/09/97! 
Mom       - my MOM ? Feed the birds and water the plants ! 
  Dave      - my brother - Happy birthday 3 March 
Danielle - my brother's wife. 
Juan, Juan-marie, Nadia, Gerrard 
Daneel    - my nephew that rides around in a Porsche these days.
  Michelle - my niece! Leave the boys alone ! 
  Tamara  - my other niece! Leave the horse alone ! 
  Jono (Big Jon) and Lilian my very good friends . 
  Stephen, their son, the computer boff. Also currently single! 
  Susan, their daughter, single ?? 
  Jenny, Craig and their newest addition. 

Related, but not related !?? Either way, good luck with the pajama drill ! 

  To all the above, please forgive all spelling mistakes, (what are friends and family for ?), and E-mail me with the correct ones, the missing names and thanks for putting up with us! 
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Page updated 98/07/14