Duke Page and Links

Maps and Links
  HBH.zip My own map. Not fantastic, but there it is ! 
  CSA Graphix Duke3d page 
  Duke3d Levels section 
  Duke3d Page 
  Etgar Bonar's Duke3d site 
  Prawn's Duke3d Page 
  Serban's Duke3D Page 
  Yahoo listing of Duke3D Sites
  Entertainment Central
  Kali Home Page - here just so you can go to it !
  The Duke Nukem 3D Arsenal
  Brad Wernicke's Duke Page
  Salamander.net's Duke Page
  Predator's Duke 3D Site
  Pierre's Duke Nukem 3D Page
  Grim Commander's Fright Library
  Arjan's Duke3d Page
  Arjan's Other Duke3d Page
  Duke Nukem 3D Central
  Anders Duke Nukem3D Page
  Duke Nukem 3D Central
  Duke Nukem Site d'Alwin
  Perry's Duke3D Page
  The OFFICIAL Uranium Pak TC site
  German Duke Nukem 3D Home Page
  Jacob's Game Page
  Canon's Duke3D Page
  M-D-K's Duke3D Home Page

Build tutorials and FAQs
  Brett Gmoser's Map Editing FAQ v0.3 (159Kb)
  Klaus Breuer's Build FAQ v1.1 (113Kb)
  Matthew's Build Page
  Shawn McCool's Build Tutorials (11Kb)
  Tempest's Duke Nukem 3D Build Tutorials

Art Utilities etc.
  ArtView v1.2 (release 3) (20Kb). View and export art.
  EditArt "FAQ" (2Kb)
  Editart Guide
  Henderson'sEditart FAQ
  Shane King's Complete list of Duke sounds (15Kb)
  Willy's Quick Start to Editart


alt.games.duke3d binaries

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Page updated 98/07/14