Photo's taken this year 1998
Photo's all captured via video camera.
Geoffrey's Birthday Campout -in the wendy house!
Geoff scoffing birthday food.
There were 10 of them in there !
Samantha playing silly buggers. Note the missing front teeth.
Sam again, about to tuck into Geoff's party food.
Samantha becoming a brownie.
Samantha taken the brownie oath.
Sunset, front yard. To make you want to come back!
Sunset, back yard. Another good reason!
Dave at the only braai he pitched up for this year! Dad (Rear view) and Jon.
Stella, who else ? (She will kill me for this one) Who is this ? Prize to the correct guess!

Thats all folks.

More pics to come as Janeen sends them to me. There will be a link from this page to the page I will create for her!

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Page updated 98/07/30