Search Engine Links

Search Helper - Hints for searching on the web


File Search Engines :
Search for a file on the Internet - This link allows you to search for a file by its name i.e.:

E-mail Address Search Engines :
Bigfoot E-mail address finder
WhoWhere E-mail address finder

South African Search Engines :
  Best South African search engine dedicated to SA sites 
  South African search engine dedicated to SA sites 

World Wide Search Engines :
  One of the newer search engines - very popular! 
  Covers the full text of 11.5 million pages - updated weekly 
  Excellent search engine - rated number 1 by PC Computing! My favourite!! 
  Allows you to search on document titles & content 
Mckinley Search engine with unsuitable for children site check.
Metacrawler Search engine
  Popular search engine and a jumping off site to everything from art to news to science 

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Page updated 98/07/14