1) KALIMA: It is the main foundation pillar of Islam. An article of faith, one must declare the Kalima to become a muslim, you must also understand its full meaning and act upon it.

' Kalima-e-tayyeba, La ilaha illallah Muhammadur Rasulullah '

Meaning :' There is no God but Allah, Muhammad is his messenger.'

2) SALAH : DAILY PRAYERS ; A muslim must pray five times a day, it is obligatory for every man and women. Salat is one of the important pillars of Islam.

3) SAWM : RAMZAN ; The ninth month of the Islamic calendar, Ramadan is prescribed as a time of fasting for all healthy Muslims. It occurs throughout the daylight hours and includes abstinence from food and drink as well as tobacco and sexual intercourseThe month is a time for introspection and spiritual renewal.

4) ZAKAT : CHARITY ; Again it is another important pillar of Islam. It is a duty for every muslim to donate part of his wealth to the poor and needy. It is not a tax. In the Quran, it say's :

'And in their wealth there is a right of the poor and the needy people' (51:19).

5) HAJJ : PILGIMAGE ; It is ordained in the Quran that Pilgrimage to the kaba is a duty of mankind to Allah, for those who can afford to do so. It is once in a lifetime duty for every muslim to go to Makka and visit the Kaba, the house of Allah, which was built by the Propheet Ibrahim and his son Prophet Ismail (peace be upon them) about four thousand years ago.