472nd MP Co. Pictures Page 10.


And this picture showing Ronald Popham of Sourth Carolina (Arkansas? North Carolina?), an all-around good guy, about to be assaulted by an unidentified fellow MP, taken between Sept 1967 and May 1969, was provided by Mike Russo who also provided the other pictures on this page. (He's quite a guy, isn't he! Thanks to him many pictures have come to see the light of the internet.) (Also, thanks to Jerry Lee Thomas, June '69 to Nov '70, for identifying Popham.)


When: Sometime between Sept 1967 and May 1969. Who: ??? Where: Some part of the barracks.


OK,  what is he doing? You tell me and I'll put the facts on this page! Information I just received says that this looks like Edmund J Nichter from LA. Nichter was a Desk Sgt and a super guy.


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