Here is our lovely and smart daughter, Shannon, and her husband, Matt. They were married on March 21, 1999, and we are still being hounded by the creditors!

Shannon has a wide variety of interests; volleyball, softball, flute, collecting weird animal dolls with cloth bodies and ceramic heads & hands, and driving her father crazy. As a teen-ager, she focused primarily on the last of those interests!

After graduating from high school, Shannon tripped off to Walla Walla College, in College Place, WA, while mumbling her favorite mantra, "spend, spend, spend". She spent three years there studying to be a physical therapist, then switched over to business administration. This was done in order to enable her to spend more time in college and thusly to deplete our financial reserves that much more!

In her chemistry class, she met Matt (a strikingly handsome young man (it's true, you know, that daughters seek out a husband who reminds them of their father)), and cast a spell on him. Matt was a mechanical engineering major. Shannon graduated in June of 2000 and now works in administration at a major group health provider. Matt graduated a year later and they live in the Bremerton, WA area where Matt works for the US Navy as an engineer and Shannon went to work for the medical industry where she got the pleasure of commuting to Tacoma! Fortunately that only lasted until the birth of their daughter.

Matt is an active young man and has many interests among which are rock climbing, inline skating, scuba diving (Shannon is Open Water certified and Matt is certified as a Rescue Diver), motorcycling, and restoring a 1960 Thunderbird. Whew!

Matt and Shannon were finally able to move into their new home which they had built in 2002. The below picture is of them in front of the family room fireplace mantle which Matt and Shannon's brother-in-law, Thanh, built just in time for Christmas. With them are their two dogs, Rocky (with Matt) and Dog (with Shannon). No, Dog's name is not dog! It is pronounced Dee-oh-gee with the emphasis on the middle syllable. Don't ask me why they named it that. All I know is that they derive a certain fiendish humor waiting to see how long it takes people to catch on!


Shannon and Matt have finally graced us with a grandchild!! Take a look at this good looking family.

This is the new family. Joselyn Lauren is only about a week old in this picture. They call her Josie and she is a real sweetie. Click to see more pictures of Josie.