Though Her Destitute Eyes

A Pictorial Tribute to Rei Ayaniami
The first child, Rei Ayaniami. She has all the mystique and intrigue that only a Anime Heroin could have. Where did she come from? Who is she? Why does shinjis dad care at all about her? And will her and Shinji get together? Has she bean hurt so badly that she is incapable to feel emotions, or is she just afraid to let anyone in? Do you see a common theme? All she is just questions. Through the series, for every question that is answered, two more are given. Rei is the Anime heroine extraordinaire.
Rei's Gallery's
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Evangelion the Gallery's
Rei's Links
The First Child
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Rei Ayanami's Image Archive Rei Ayanami's Place Leading Ladies: Rei
Ayanami Rei's Room Gallery The Rei Ayanami Home Page Rei Ayanami: The First Child

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Neon Genesis Evangelion and related images are copyrighted by GAINAX/ Project EVA, TVX, NAS. Used here for illustration purposes only! All information / Graphics were obtained from the Net. My Thanks to all of you, who one way or another contributed to this Site. And even gave me this disclaimer!!!

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