KO0R (CONTINUED)                      Page 17
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Phase control box to control the lag angle fo either of two Hy-Gain 14AVQ four band verticals.  Provides cardioid pattern NE or SW depending on selection of which vertical lags.  Works great on 40 and 20.  Mixed bag on 15 and 10.

Multi-band tank circuit antenna tuner.  Dual differential input capacitor.  Combination of large parallel tuned coil in parallel with smaller series tuned coil result in an equivalent parallel tuned circuit at any frequency from  80 thru 10 meters.  In the case above, the large coil is tapped with a selector switch to extend its range down to 160 meters.  Toroidal baluns provide balanced output (rarely used with this tuner).  Input has a Breune SWR bridge.  Separate forward and reflected power meters.  On back side is an antenna selector switch for six different antenna positions.  This has been a great tuner over the years.  Professional circuit analysis software reveals a high degree of harmonic suppression with this arrangement.

Front view of the latest Amp. the belchfire 1000 which is a class AB1 passive grid circuit using three 4CX250B's in parallel.  This has been our favorite and most used amplifier this year.  More views of this amplifier are on the next page.

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