KO0R (CONTINUED)                  Page 18
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Inisde end view of the main compartment.  The three tubes are in a Linarian plenum chamber made from Lucite.  The plate tuning capacitor is under the 10 meter coil. The RF choke is to the left of the parasitic suppressors. It is handwound on a 1" dia. ceramic pillar. The Pi-net tank is a WWII roller inductor.  The output tuning capacitor is nearest you.

In the lower right hand corner is a SWR bridge in the output.

Closeup of the Linarian plenum chamber with the three 4CX250B's.
Parasitic suppressors are parallel 100 Ohm metal film 2 watt resistors with about 3 turns of coil .  The RF choke is mounted horizontally from the front panel to facillitate short leads.  The plate coupling capacitor would be immediately below the junction of the parasitic suppressors and the RF Choke. A squirrel cage blower is mounted under the plenum compartment.

End view of the grid compartment with control circuitry.  In the center is the Caddock 50 watt non-inductive grid resistor.

Closeup view of the heat-sinked Caddock grid resistor.  This resistor has the flattest SWR profile of any alleged non-inductive resistor I have ever measured.