Steve's Canada

Last updated January 8, 2000

This page is dedicated to Stacey Bissell.
She reminded me that I should be proud of being Canadian.

Canadian Coat of Arms

Well, I am Canadian and am proud of it. Being from "The Great White North" and with all the talk of seperation and such, I still have pride in my country. Click here to see a map of Canada.

I'm not sure what I want to do with this page in general, but I'll do my best to make it as exciting as my other pages!!! Make sure to check back often and see any changes I've made. If you have the interest.

Ok, let's start with some stats and trivia of Canada. It is the second largest country in the world, and has two official languages. English and French. Bordered on the east by the Atlantic Ocean and on the west by the Pacific Ocean. We share the longest undisputed border to the south with the United States of America. And to the north we have the Arctic Ocean. Contrary to popular belief, we do not all live in igloos and drive dog sleds.

Like most countries we actually have a semi-intelligent Government. Our current Prime Minister is the Honourable Jean Chretien.

We also have our own national tv and radio media known as the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.
Otherwise known as CBC.

Here you can find some interesting the Canada Facts Page.

On April 17, 1982 an impressive moment occured in recent Canadian history when (then) Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau and Queen Elizabeth II of England signed the Constitution Act, 1982, giving Canada the rights and freedoms to govern itself without need to obtain permission from the British Monarchy. Basically this act was incorporated with the British North America Act of 1867 and the amendments made to it over the years. In addition...
-- it provides Canadians with a means to amend their Constituion in Canada;
-- it entrenched a Charter of Rights and Freedoms that could not be unilaterally altered by either Parliment of Canada or a provincial legislature;
-- it recognized and sanctioned the principles that have become fundamental in Canadian society and are characteristics of this country: the equality of status and equal rights and priveleges of English and French as the official languages of Canada, and the right to education in either official language; sexual equality; the aboriginal or treaty rights of the aboriginal peoples of Canada (Indians, Inuit, and Metis); multiculturalism; the principle of equalization; and finally, the continuing role of the Governor General (The Queens's representitive to Canada) and of the Lieutenant-Governors.

Want to find out about "famous" Canadians? You may be surprised to find out who is Canadian!

Canadians have a wonderful sense of humor. Check out the Anti-Canadian page.

Below you will find the 10 Provinces and 3 Territories that make up Canada. Just click on the flag to learn more about that province or territory.

Manitoba Manitoba�

Saskatchewan Saskatchwan�

Alberta Alberta�

British Columbia British Columbia�

Northwest Territories Northwest Territories�

Nunavut Nunavut

Yukon Yukon�

Newfoundland Newfoundland

Prince Edward Island Prince Edward Island

Nova Scotia Nova Scotia

New Brunswick New Brunswick

Quebec Quebec

Ontario Ontario

You will find some links below to purely Canadian sites. Click the image and learn a bit more about Canada. Well, maybe not learn...but get to know us "Canucks" a little bit better. *s*

Please enjoy the links...

This site has multiple purposes. The first is to indicate to the world all the web sites on the internet that are Canadian. The second purpose is to help educate people on the history of Canada and issues relevant to her citizens.

This site is for all proud Canadians. Eh! And helps Canadians find other Canadian websites and people.


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