The Rookery!!!

..AND OR..

Welcome to MY FIRST!!! attempt at a homepage.
Keep in mind...Nuihc, Jamie and Flyer are the same person!

Most recently I took on a new identity.

I hope everyone enjoys my pages.

Last updated on March 30, 2001

"Love is patient, love is kind.
It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.
It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.
Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.
It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
Love never fails."

Where to start??? Well, for "personal info" zealots, My name is Steve, I live in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. I'm a second assistant manager at McDonald's, and no... the horror stories you hear about McD's are not all true. I'll keep the true ones for another time. *lol*
A divorced father of two adorable little girls, Laura who is 8 yrs old and Katie who was born June 30, 1999. And yet another arrival around July 7, 2001 who at the moment looks like a girl. Children are such special people. And they are just that, PEOPLE! My 2 girls have brought me so much happiness. Daddy loves you two. Also, I've been Diabetic for 23 yrs. If you want to learn more about Diabetes, check out my Canadian Diabetes Association link at the bottom of my page. *S* Just another way to get you to read more of my site.

Laura at two and a half

Laura at five
Kindergarten Graduation

If you want to see more pics of Laura, click here.

Katie at 3 months

If you want to see more pics of Katie, click here.

Or you can visit Lori's brothers site with even more pics that are up to date, click here.

People often wonder about finding their true love on the internet, well if you want to know my story, click here.

Below are a few pics of me... incase you're interested!

Me in real life...(take a deep breath!)

And again with my 'beast'

Being Canadian I am fiercely proud of that fact. Still under some construction, I urge you to visit Steve's Canada.

I am a sports fan through and through mostly hockey. (I am Canadian EH!) with my favourite NHL team being the Montreal Canadiens, my NFL team the Buffalo Bills and my CFL team the Edmonton Eskimos. As a participant, I usually play goalie on an indoor ball-hockey team (although my co-workers at McD's seem to think I suck at hockey...), and catcher on my softball team. (Must be something with masks.)

Do you love hockey as much as I do? Then why not visit Steve's Arena. With links to all 26 NHL Teams. View team rosters and complete NHL statistics. Also, pages I've created for my favourite NHL players.

Just to let you know....I'm a huge fan of...

And if you feel like throwing the old pigskin around...visit Steve's Field and learn more about the CFL.

Or, if you prefer the NFL and want to find out more about your favourite team go to Steve's NFL Page and check it out.

And if you are a lover of baseball, why not take a trip to Steve's Dome. Where the diamonds are always dry. *s*

Click on any of these links to get to their 'official' sites. (I'll be updating this periodically...so keep checking back.)

Other hobbies and interests include reading, motorcycles, music and movies. I love poetry, and if you do as well, check out my link at the bottom to "Kiersten" She has some wonderful links to great poetry pages. My favourite bands are Queen and Van Halen and most recently Sarah McLachlan. But the musical ranges are pretty varied in my life. If it sounds halfway decent, I'll listen. Hell, I even have some favourite country stuff. (Mom will be happy!!) Oh, except for the 'dance' music. Same song, same beat does nothing for me.

I'm a tv and movie fanatic. I must tape a thousand shows a week, and see as many movies as I can.

  • Some of my favourite tv shows are...

    • X-Files
    • Buffy the Vampire Slayer
    • Angel
    • ER
    • Beverly Hills 90210
    • Star Trek Voyager
    • Law & Order
    • Law & Order Special Victims Unit
    • Stargate SG-1
    • Friends
    • That 70's Show
    • Hockey Night In Canada (Gotta love hockey!)

  • Some of my favourite movies are...

    • Highlander
    • Purple Rain
    • Casablanca
    • Monty Python and The Holy Grail
    • Air Force One
    • The Matrix
    • Toy Story I & II
    • Eddie and The Cruisers I & II
    • All 3 Star Wars
    • Star Wars The Phantom Menace
    • All 3 Indiana Jones movies
    • The Quiet Man

For those of you wondering where the name 'Nuihc' comes from. It is a character in a men's adventure series titled "The Destroyer". By Warren Murphy and Richard Sapir. Nuihc is actually an evil villain, but in reading the books, I found the name to be intriguing. So, in keeping with myself, (intriguing that is) I decided to take the name as my 'net' name.

And the name 'Jamie' (Jamie Fraser) comes from a series of books called "Outlander".
Written by Diana Gabaldon. There are currently 4 books in the series with 2 more on the backburner and more to come. It tells of a love story about an 20th Century woman and a Highlander from the 1800's. Complicated to go into, but I highly recommend the books. Check out Diana's site. (Click her name above) I introduced the series to a very dear friend, and she is as enthralled as I am. I met Ms. Gabaldon at a book signing here in Ottawa, and she is a wonderful person. If you so choose to read them, I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

Finally, the icon and name for 'Flyer' came to me out of the blue one day. I was searching through a Frank Frazetta art site, and saw the picture. It seemed to fit my mood for that day, so I decided to select it with the name for a new handle for myself. One of those things that just catches your eye!

  • Some of my favourite authors...

    • Warren Murphy
    • Molly Cochrane
    • Diana Gabaldon
    • Stephen King
    • Robin Cook
    • Dean Koontz
    • Ridley Pearson

Well, the page will change...I promise, as I learn more HTML Stuffs... So check back often if you want and I apologize if it's lame now... forgive me. *s*

Please check the links at the bottom if you're intrested. *S* Thanks...

Be well, and be happy.

~~~ "Who wants to live forever?" ~~~

Queen - Soundtrack to Highlander 1986

~~~ All the world's a masquerade
made up of fools and philosophers
Were it to rain on our charade
all washes away
except our true colors ~~~

Stop the World - Extreme 1992

~~~ "Je suis Prest" ~~~

Fraser Clan Family Motto

Links to special people's homepages!

"Stormqueen"...my dearest Canadian friend.
"Kiersten"...my oldest friend on the net.
"Dave's Site"...An incredible source of HTML information...*Highly Recommended*.

Some of my favourite places!

TTR Chat Site...Look for me in Masquerade.
Great site to find lyrics.
TSN (The Sports Network)...For Canadian sports nuts.
Hotmail...Free internet e-mail accounts.

Please feel free to sign the guestbook.
I'll write back everyone who leaves me something as soon as I can....*S*
Sign My Guestbook View My Guestbook

If you find any broken links or have
any personal comments or suggestions, you can...
Email: [email protected]

Nuihc 2000