Best of Friends

A friend has truly changed my life,
she’s taken away all the strife.
And when my dreams break into pieces,
her tender caring never ceases.
When I fall down she picks me up,
when I am dry she fills my cup.
She completes my personality,
and she is beyond reality.
She’s like the sun on a new day,
I smile wider with each bright ray.
With a gentle hug her arms can cure,
the feelings I have for her are pure.
Her smile assures my lonely heart,
that we will never be apart.
Her voice in my head is still ringing,
and thought of her is always bringing.
Soft as the petal of a rose,
of my desires she’s always known.
My trust in her always strong and true,
leads me on as it can only do.
Friends like her are rare as jewels,
and those who don’t notice are fools.
I will forever remember this,
always with me it’s her I can’t miss.
And when at night we close our eyes,
the image of friends never dies.

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