I have always taken love very seriously. To me, it is so much more than
                            the physical side people see of it. Love is the sharing of deep feelings and
                            a relationship with God. I have expressed love through words, gestures,
                            songs, and here, in poetry. This is a collection of my love poems. I have
                            given up much in the sake of love and received almost nothing in return.
                            I have decided to share the pain as well as the deep, sincere feelings of
                            these poems with the rest of the world. I am opening myself up in a very
                            big way and hope that those who read these poems will be able to
                            associate to them and gain a better understanding of me.


Come Into My Heart
My Lady
Light to My Soul
Moonlight Mist
Star Gazer
Crystal Seas
Timeless Love
Best of Friends
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