Star Gazer

I gaze out of my window as the day goes by,
and ponder my existence in the darkened sky.
I fall into Cassiopeia's trance and wonder,
why so vast a universe the creator lay assunder.
The answers are as numerous as the stars,
some are Crystal clear to me while others still so far.
Curiosity leads my heart to polaris,
whose light is brighter than all of Paris.
Though you are not mine your beauty shines brighter,
and I will not loose you as I try to rise higher.
Far away from love we might be there soon,
for I know we are beneath the same great moon.
To my world you are the center as the sun,
so I make this request for you to stay and not to run.
Set across time are the planets and galaxies,
whose vastness and wonderment are a reality.
They are held together by a powerful force,
for giving my all to be closer to you I have no remorse.
Astronomers seek jewels in the great beyond,
but I have found my Crystal of who i am quite fond.
In a complex life I have no reason,
to put faith in God and you through every season.

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