Come Into My Heart

Once closed to all the earth,
ever since its birth,
was my lonely heart enclosed unto a never ending sorrow,
for it saw no reason to live on to tomorrow.
Never could it feel,
encased by bars of steel,
your tender loving care,
which to it seemed all too rare.
And so I make this request,
to you whom have made me blessed,
that you will come into my heat of stone,
so twill never be alone.
Come into my heart once more,
and turn the knob on its rusty door.
Take away all my strife,
and give to my love the power of life.
Give it to your sweet allure,
open unto it what is pure.
Show my heart what it has yet to see,
open it up and set it free.
Give to my heart a love unending,
so we will end all pretending.
A place in my heart will always be,
for one as beauteous as thee.
A heart like mine is ever alone,
until the day it finds another of pure gold.

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