My Lady

She walks in like the night swiftly capturing my heart,
all around me is pitch black and from her I feel apart.
Her smile like the sun rises to bring again new days,
I've found that I truly love her in so many ways.

Her hair of golden brown flows like a peaceful river,
so many things I have to give and more I'd like to give her.
With eyes like precious gems she leaves me unspoken,
her purity is unmatched by no other and to me is quite a token.

In a tender embrace she can comfort and ease me,
I tell her that I love her and ask "Do I please thee?'
She often masks her feelings but her ruby lips reveal,
telling a story of her past and giving her appeal.

At times she seems flawless but within I see her pain,
like scaling the highest mountain I try her heart to gain.
She paints a picture with her sorrows familiar to my cause,
her personality and striking beauty defy all natural laws.

Why is it I am drawn to her like dew drops to the ground,
and even though she is so close in my feelings I have drowned.
Delicate and as rare as the desert blossom I try to keep my distance,
I astound in my faith in her and continue my persistence.

I place my hand onto her chin like a pillar to support,
as I lift her head to see her face and examine its report.
Our eyes meet as if for the last time I will ever know,
I grace my hand against her cheek with skin as white as snow.

Will my lady be there forever or leave as the night unto dawn,
I pray to be with her until from this earth I am gone.
I sweep her across the floor in a graceful gesture of love,
she stays by my side because of a request I made to God above.

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