Light to My Soul

As if for the last time, the sun once again sets over the valleys and sea,
and I stand alone in the seemingly unending night.
Reaching out with a lonely gesture, I feel that love will never be.
It seemed that I had at long last ceased to fight.

Because of a determination to hide emotion, never once did I cry,
as I knelt beside the bed in my darkest hour.
And along with my heart my faith had died,
A single tear was all that was left of my power.

And ending like all sad stories, I fell asleep once more,
turning to my dreams as an escape from a broken heart.
But I found it was you who could open the door,
and from you I hope to never grow apart.

Like an angel you came into my life on beautiful wings of charity.
I came to know and love you more each day.
You showed my stone cold heart the ways of sincerity,
Once again lost for words I had no idea what I might say.

With a gleam of hope in my eye I look into tommorrow,
my mind never on the current day.
And with a renewed faith there can never be sorrow,
with you being there in so many special ways.

I trust my hand in yours as we walk the road as more than friends,
and wonder if you've found the same in mine.
I only ask that you open up your heart and be there in the end,
Be like the earth not like the wind, steadfast to the test of time.

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