Personal Profile
Here's a picture of me:
And this is my family:
    Hi, my name is John Wriston. I am a freshman at Rochester College studying to become a minister. I come from Warren, Michigan. My parents' are Steve and Brenda Wriston. My mom currently works at First of America Bank and goes to school for a marketing degree at the Detroit College of Buisness. My dad, who went to school to become a minister is now employed with Federal Express. He is a deacon at our church, the North Warren church of Christ. He devotes his spare time to teaching the teens there and is in charge of fellowship. My little brother, Paul Wriston, is a Christian at only 12 years of age. He is active in the pre-teen group and is very intelligent and creative for a boy his age. My grandmother Dorothy Wriston and my grandfather Ordie Wriston have taught me about morals and hard work and have always been like second parents to me.
    For quite some time now, I have wanted to become a minister. I always avoided ministry because my dad studied it in the same exact college I currently attend. I never wanted to be him because he isn't a full-time minister today. But, there are many reasons for this (one being my birth). I love my dad more than words can express. He has always lovingly taught me about God, Christ and what it is to be a Christian. He has always been a very devoted Christian and has provided for his family very well. I learn something new from my dad every time I talk with him. And when I first decided to take an opportunity to preach, I truly felt inspired by God. He filled my words with the holy spirit and I truly came close to him. I looked out into the world and saw all of the people untouched by the gospel. I decided that as a minister, I can give the world hope and teach them of Christ, the joys of being a Christian, and a future of life eternal in heaven. The talent God has provided me as well as the great influence my dad has been on me helped me to make the decision of serving God as a minister.
    I really love the sport of hockey. Whether ice or roller, I will play hockey any time or place. I follow several different leagues but the National Hockey League is without a doubt the best. My favorite teams are the Detroit Red Wings (My home team all of my life) and the Philadelphia Flyers (A team I have grown very close to for its history and current greats such as Eric Lindros and John Leclair). My favorite players are Keith Tkachuck, Steve Yzerman, Joe Sakic, and Eric Lindros. I am very much looking forward to the 1998 olympics in Nagano as I am ahue fan of Team USA.
    I also have a real love for music. I am currently a member of the Metro Detroit Youth Chorus and feel that it is perhaps the greatest form of ministry there is. Music can touch a person's heart in a way spoken words can never compare to. All throughout the Bible, song is one of the strongest way of expressing praise for God. I am trying to learn how to play the piano but am still very new to it. I used to play the guitar but my Christian elementary school gave up the program.
    Currently, I am attending Rochester College in Rochester Hills, Michigan. There, I am active in several clubs on campus. EQC (Epsilon Theta Ki) is the social club I am a member of. Our motto is "Live to Serve, Serve to Live". Some of my best friends are in the club. We are all brothers and sisters and are very close. Other clubs I am member of are: Image, a missionary group; 4 Him, a service group; and the Enlightenment Group, which is dedicated to ministering to the physical needs of those less fortunate. I am trying to start a preachers club called His Wordsmen. You can visit its home page by clicking on the link. My college is absolutely wonderful. The people here are very dedicated to the Lord who has provided for all of us a great education in a Christian environment. My grades aren't quite on the up and up. But with all these activities it's a bit hard to focus. Being a teenager, I have the usual problem of thinking about the opposite sex. But, as the Lord is my shepherd, He will lead me to that perfect girl. One who will feel as strongly about me as I do about them. Before I go any farther into my feelings, check out my  poetry page  and get a little insight into my feelings. They have always been quite deep. Maybe I'll write them into songs some day. Nah, that would make people depressed.
  Well, now you know more about me than even most of my friends do. Let me know what you think about my profile page by sending me some E-mail at  [email protected]