
I stood atop the mountain that I tarried so long to climb,
and tried to comprehend the life I gained through time.
I remember the people, places, and things I've left behind,
while through it all images of our past go through my mind.

And standing upon this land as old as time,
things seem to have lost their reason and every bit of rhyme.
Fighting against the howling wind though which my sorrows glide,
I grip my heart and attempt to cure what is hidden deep inside.

I watch the setting sun as it ends another day,
it's golden rays strike my face as I close my eyes to pray.
I ask for the Lord to guide my soul across the perilous path,
though nature sets upon my head its never ending wrath.

A blanket of stars covers the sky and transforms the day to night,
revealing constellations that reflect the past in moonlight.
The ocean strikes calmly against the sandy shore,
and all my hopes and dreams lie sunken at it's darkened floor.

Yet I stand and persevere driven by a sense of hope,
allowing my soul to be set free and with my sorrows cope.
My soul travels endlessly to find its perfect mate,
may it find yours and end the search before it is too late.

Because my eyes were blinded by another less beautious than you,
I lost you in the passing and now fear my doubts were true.
Like an angel you help me from the fall I've came back from,
I will love you evermore and pray to my Lord you'll come.

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