Well it is buggy here. Florida has lots of insects.
Warm humid climate = lots of bugs!
No ifs ands and buts about that one!

But Florida, especially north Florida, is so very green.

Whenever I am away from Jacksonville, that is what I miss the most - the green, the million shades of green. Most people think of green as a cool color. Sometimes Florida's green is cool, deep in a pine forest, or under the shade of a big live oak dripping with Spanish moss; but, more often than not, there is nothing cool about the green of Florida! Even on a cold frosty morn it sparkles with a smoldering fire waiting to explode again into summer; and, on a sultry summer day, it can look so hot any moment you expect the woods to catch on fire.

On this website I have attempted to recreate some of the feelings of Jacksonville's shades of green, including the hot shades. I have also attempted to recreate some of the feel of the culture, a culture without much in the way of material goods; a culture with some new store bought things here and there, but with a lot of homemade and make do stuff. Junky stuff to some people's way of thinking, but things that a lot of effort and pride went into.

I am talking about real country here,
not todays commercialized country!

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