my parents


florida links
jax. links
graphics links
fonts links
software links
misc. links

little blue flowers

video & audio
killer link sites
political links
rebel links
html links
humanist links
reference links
places links
animal welfare


daddy's work
my problem
my sisters and i
lem turner road
history of garden city baptistchurch


memories of garden city baptistchurch
the animals
in my life

little red flower

the cats
in my life


macedonia today
my mother'sstories


nov '63!
fla before Disney

yellow flowers

daddy & polio
florida cold
stormy memories!
fun times!
mama's family


redneck ramblings
bill clinton
freedom & religion
family values

yellow ribbon
Why I will be voting
The Northsider

That is what I call this here website and that is what I call myself for I have spent most of my life on the northside of Jacksonville, Florida; and, most of the opinions I hold come from
my experiences here.

Some of those opinions have, and will, step on a few toes. I like to think that I have a free mind, not shackled by the boundaries of what convention says I am supposed to think and be. In fact I consider it my strongest asset.

No matter what conventional wisdom says, no matter what notions happen to be in fashion at the time, if my personal experience and what I have personally seen say different, I gotta go with what I myself have seen and know for a fact!potting soil

I can't completely discount what others think; but, seeing is believing; and, I have just been told too much and I have seen too much in these 61 years of mine to be any different.yellow bug

That said....

please take a little time to look around.This is a website with lots of links, all of them not at first evident!

There are also numberless pages, 97 as of September 19, 2007 with more to come. Most of these pages are personal remembrances of growing up on the northside of Jacksonville, Florida during the forties, fifties, and sixties; and, there is some general information about the area. I have also included some stories that my mother told me of her life growing up here in Florida during the early part of this last century.

I have also included a lot of links. I like links, and I try to check them from time to time, but webpages go down, move, change, so that it is impossible to keep all of my links unbroken.

Most of my links pages have midis (music) embedded in them. I know some people don't like embedded music. If you are one of those people, well the controls are up there in the left hand corner. You can cut it down or just cut it off.

I have also embedded some videos here and there. You will probably notice that my taste is both eclectic and rather old fashioned.

I originally created this website to learn html and just to see if I could create a website. That was over ten years ago. I update it a bit every once in a while.

If it has any purpose now it is to help acquaint the viewer with my little corner of the world, my corner of the world being the state of Florida and the city of Jacksonville.

Can't say for sure why I wish to do this, except you write about what you know, at least you should; and, it is important to me to:

white aster Help the reader understand that just because a person comes from a particular part of the country or has a particular background, maybe both, that does not necessarily mean that he, or she, has a certain predefined set of beliefs and interests.
white asterMake the declaration that Florida is a Southern state, no matter what a bunch of Yankees come down and try to make it into. It is also the home of many people who are not here because of the weather or because it is the place to retire to; but, because we were born here. This is where our roots are and this is our home!
white asterIntroduce the reader to the real Florida, the Florida that was here long before Disney World came and which will be here long after it has gone!

I certainly hope most of you will come away with a different image of Florida than just beaches, hotels,and theme parks.

Some of these pages are just musings. Some of these pages express my personal opinions and attitudes about things, much of which I feel quite strongly about; but I will leave it up to you to decide which is which. I am not claiming to be the last word on anything. Still some of the things I will say will shock and anger many of you. Others will wish they had the courage to say the same things.

Few of you will disagree that I am, as my byline says,
a redneckof her own devising!

This webpage best when viewed by mycomputer!

Now what this means is that I have noway of knowing how you, or anyone else viewing this page, has their computer system set up. This website should be viewable to anyone; but, exactly how it looks, and if it plays the embedded midis and videos, is determined by factors over which I have no control.

On each page, I have tried to set what I feel is the best compromise between Internet Explorer, Netscape, Opera, Firefox, Kmeleon, and WebTv. I am not going to build a separate webpage for each browser.

cypress swamp

JOIN Gals with Great Homepages

Recently I have become interested in making videos.

They videos I make reflect my love of the television series, Beauty and the Beast, as well as my interest in older, more traditional, styles of music as opposed to today's rock and pop.
I am a big fan of the old 80's television program Beauty and the Beast.
And now the WebMaster of this RingSurf Webring devoted to the Beauty and the Beast Legend.