Politically Incorrect?
This is one of those words we like to use a lot nowadays.

As best I remember the term "politically correct" was originally used by some college to describe ideas they found unexceptable.

The attempt at censorship of free speech brought about an outcry,
as well it should have.

Since that time, being "politically incorrect" has become somewhat of a "badge of honor." IMO the logic of this does not necessarily follow.

Just because you have an idea which is unacceptable to many people does not make your idea a correct one.

It doesn't make it wrong; but, it doesn't make it right either.

An idea must stand on its own merits, not on either its popularity or unpopularity!

And to top it off, the conservative movement has hi-jacked the term so that many people equate conservatism and political incorrectness.

However it is conservatism which is in fashion now.

It is Conservatives who control the mass media. With the exception of an occasional token "liberal" commentator it is conservatives who have their say on the mass media.

It is conservatives who control the largest religion denominations in the this country and who get to have their say in church every sunday, not to say anything about the conservative religious media such as the "700 Club" where some genuine religious offerings are sprinkled amidst the conservative propaganda. It is conservatives who control both major political parties. The conservatives who control the Democratic party are a little less conservative than the conservatives who control the Republican party; but, they left liberal principles behind long ago.

Sprouting the usual conservative axioms and blaming all the nation's problems on "liberals" is not politically incorrect.

It is just copycat politics!

I, for one, have never been anykind of copycat!

Life would be easier for me if I were; but, I call it as I see it!

And, as I see it, if you want to go around repeating, and maybe even build a website devoted to, what Russ Limbaugh and Pat Robertson told you, you just go right ahead!

There is nothing I can do to stop you doing that or calling yourself "politically incorrect;" but, I've set you to thinking haven't I?

Just how politically incorrect are you?


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