Pillsbury with Pumpkin and Cookie |
One day Biscuit
there anymore. I never did find out what happened to her.
Pumpkin took the outside of the house as his "territory" and let Cookie have the inside; but, Pillsbury knew that it all belonged to her even if she wasn't allowed outside yet! The day that she was finally allowed outside, she was so proud. Prancing, flipping her little tail around; she was a big cat now! The first cold day of winter came. She bounded out of the house, then suddenly squatted like something had caught her! It had! She slowly crepe back inside! Whenever she wanted to go outside, and it was raining, she would make me check both doors. Maybe it wasn't raining on the other side! On the day she turned five months old, I had Pillsbury spayed. A friend drove us to the vet's office while I held her in my arms. Pillsbury had never been in a car before; but, accepted it well. We walked in the office. An assistance took her by the back of the neck and carried her into another room. I didn't like the somewhat rough treatment; but, we had two tomcats in the house and it had to be done. The next day, my friend and I were back. The man walked through the door with Pillsbury and she let out a cry. On the way home, she lay in my arms, trembling, with head buried in the crook of my left arm. When we got home, the first thing she wanted was to be fed. That was always her remedy for anything that upset her. "Feed me." So I fed her. She recovered rapidly. My mother was getting better too. Pumpkin took sick one night and died. He was buried next to Kitty. |
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